(link page at http://paulsnighthawkpages.blogspot.com/p/your-nighthawk.html)
Click on all images to enlarge
This is my 1992 Nighthawk 750. I picked it up for a few hundred bucks along with a low-mileage crashed 2000 parts bike. The '92 didn't run but turned over, so I proceeded to pull the carbs. 7 hours later and with a mostly disassembled rear end I got them off. Man I don't like this air box! I'll buy some pods.
Cleaned carbs and found interesting adjustable needles. Brand new Keihin 118 main jet and 40 primary. This thing takes of like a rocket ship and louder than any other bike in my area. Lots of heavy gauge steel wool fixed that, but I would not recommend anything past 6k RPM. Drove myself nuts for about a month playing with these carbs. No mater what, there's a brick wall at 6 grand. Finally one day a guy told me to just put the author(sic) back in and after a long struggle it went in. I buttoned it all back up and the first thing I noticed is that it felt completely different. I got out on the street and it was very docile at first, but then it eclipsed that 6k RPM wall and wow it almost got away from me. 😎
I've recovered the seat cleaned it up and put almost 5k on it in the first 9 months. I had to change out the ignition box from the parts bike, change oil, plugs, clean tank and put on new tires. I love it! It's gonna get some live from me I have ambitions of a cbr 600 wheel and lower forktube to convert to dual disc and figured out a way to run the rear CBR rim and mout a caliper so I will basically be building to Euro specs. Over the winter I plan on putting the 800 mile 2000 engine on and building a new wiring harness. Tried to use LED blinkers but I gave up.
Brandon Bowen
Location unknown
Added January 21, 2019
Hi Paul,
I am a fan of your website from Italy. I bought my Honda CB 450 Nighthawk (1985 model) two years ago. It was very well kept and mantained, with about 40 thousand kilometers. The bike had been kept in a garage for a long time when I bought it, so I had to put it back in shape before driving it on the road, and I have to say your website and forums helped me a great deal. After about 10 thousand kilometers on the road I have to say I love this bike, it suits my chill driving style, it's got a very comfortable seat and seating position and it's not too heavy in the turns, so you can even drive in a more sporty way if you want. I do not use my bike to commute, but I feel very lucky because I live in a place (the Italian alps) where beautiful twisty roads are plentiful (Stelvio pass, for example). Hence the bike is a perfect adventure machine on the weekends. Thanks to this bike I discovered so many places I did not know, and this made me start thinking about a long bike trip to visit central Europe, so I need to prepare the trusty NH for travel! Thanks again for the great community hub you provide, and good riding to everybody!
Luca from Italy
Added January 21, 2019
Hi Paul,
I love your site and forums! After getting into riding last year I found my 1982 cb750SC Nighthawk. I was browsing for an upgrade from my 1979 Honda CM400a. I saw the NH and went to take a look. Then I went a 2nd time. The owner let me take her up and down the street. 3rd time I bought it! I did not like the seat it had so i found an original. It came with 4 into 1 exhaust. I plasti-dipped the side covers. Upgraded healight and rear lights to LED. She is running great. 44,700 km.
Roger V
Hamilton, Canada
Added June 16, 2018
I live in San Francisco and have been riding since about 18 years old, 63 now. Used to have a Yamaha Vision and in my frequent trips to mechanic to fix the stator, I saw a Nighthawk S and thought it would be a good choice with similar engine size and shaft drive. Probably bought first one in late 80s where I fashioned a large windscreen with Plexi over a clay form to fit the bikini fairing. Later while looking for a replacement Nighthawk model, I found one with a Pichler fairing and while not super pretty, it was very functional. Added a windscreen lip to further divert the wind. Found another Pichler EXS while searching for Nighthawks on Craigslist classifieds. The original Pichler was previously repaired and between my own droppings and drivers knocking it over I made a serious search with some insurance money for a proper repair but finding someone who could repair and paint ABS plastic took a while. Now I have 2 repaired and painted EXS fairing sets.
Mostly use as a commuter, but I have taken it out on occasion for some Northern California twistie road trips and weekend rides. Can't fully remember, but think I've had about 5 Nighthawk-S's, all red/black and mostly 86's as I prefer the color scheme; some have had to be retired prematurely due to shifting problems but have found a mechanic who can actually repair it now without removing the engine to make it cost effective.
San Francisco, CA
Added May 17, 2018
Hi Paul, spent a couple of months trying to figure out what used bike to get for my return to riding after a 25+ year hiatus. Watching all manner of YouTube videos I came across drienkm's video titled "What a ride it's been" and absolutely fell in love with his Nighthawk and the trip he did out West. So I searched for a while and a kid here in town had an '85 650, virtually identical to Daniel's, up for sale on Craigslist at a price that I was willing to pay. After weeks of trying to buy the bike from him, I came to the conclusion that Mom and Dad wanted him to sell it, so he was going through the motions but had absolutely no intention of actually getting rid of it.
So my search resumed, and I came across a bike for sale locally that was in need of some serious TLC. A well-enjoyed 1992 750 in various shades and textures of black. She had been low-sided at least once on each side and need many bits and pieces replaced but seemed pretty mechanically sound. This was in January. I figured that I had time to get some work done before riding season arrived so I pulled the trigger.
I spent a little over 5 months getting her road worthy. Brake levers, indicators, cables, bearings, tires, sprockets, chain, paint, paint and more paint. Fortunately, she was pretty mechanically sound other than what seemed like an eternity of tearing the carbs apart and putting them back together until she ran smoothly. I've been riding her for about a month now and she is just about exactly what I was looking for: Plenty of power with gradual delivery and low risk of accidental looping, handles reasonably well and feels like she weighs a lot less than the nearly 500 lb listed dry weight. She still needs some bits and pieces (clutch cover, left side cover, triple-tree mount, and bars) but she's running and rides great and doesn't look too shabby (especially for a rattle-can paint job). This winter she'll get the full treatment.
I've chronicled (though perhaps not in as much detail as I would have liked) the process here.
Thanks for creating this site! Reading about the love that owners have for these bikes really helped convince me to get her!
Okemos, Michigan
Added August 1, 2017
Hello Paul,
I've very much enjoyed perusing your Nighthawk Pages, and have been looking forward to someday submitting something for the awesome Your Nighthawk section, so here it goes...
My parent's helped some family friends build a home when I was in second or third grade, who were kind enough to let me ride their (mixed gasoline fueled) mini-bike around, all over their neighboring fields, (right after the corn had been harvested). I was so excited, that I didn't say a peep when I'd burned my leg on the motor, after jumping everything in sight, and just kept on rolling. Despite my best efforts, I simply couldn't convince my folks to ever score us a mini-bike of our own, but I never forgot that feeling. In fact, my Dad did buy me a mesh Kawasaki shirt I'm told I wore every day until it simply fell off of me, Haha.
Fast forwarding, after I graduated high school, I was abroad with YWAM and Mercy Ships in a few spots, including Guinea, Africa, where our team rented a sweet Honda 90 motorcycle, which was the first time I'd had a chance to re-learn this lost art, and I was re-hooked.
Shortly thereafter, I began my first career and quickly seized the opportunity to (finally) buy my first motorcycle, a used Yamaha Seca II XJ600 sports bike, in black, which I absolutely loved. Fast forwarding a bit further, while abroad in that same career (and now married and then) living in New Zealand, I owned a beautiful, used Honda GL145 motorbike, in blue, which had a manual kick start, which I grew quite fond of. In hindsight, I wish I'd looked into shipping her back home when my one year Work Visa/Work Permit was up, but I did not. Did a road trip of much of The South Island on her, before moving back stateside though, and made some great memories throughout my stay.
We started having some pretty amazing kids, blinked, and realized that over a decade had inadvertently passed since I'd last owned a bike of my own, (and renting them on vacations simply didn't seem to suffice). That's when my wife and I realized it was time for me to get back in the saddle again.
After much research, including, but not limited to that of Paul's Honda Nighthawk Pages, I came to the conclusion that I wanted a classic, reliable, low maintenance, Honda Nighthawk, preferably in black, if possible.
I soon found what would become my new-to-me, used, 1992 Honda CB750 Nighthawk, in black, on Craigslist, in New York. I test drove her, and much to my surprise, everything came right back to me, as if I'd never stopped riding. After trailering her back home to Pennsylvania, I got her PA Inspected and serviced. (Admittedly, that set me back a little more than anticipated, but she's been a blast and I always like the peace of mind that everything's as it should be).
Just to be safe, (though I'd taken PA's Motorcycle Safety Course, some 15 or so years ago), I quickly signed up for and completed PA's Return to Rider (Intermediate) and PA's Advanced Rider's Course, which were pretty fun (plus these typically earn you around a 5% discount on your Motorcycle insurance premiums, anyways).
I've attached two of my favorite photographs of her so far. The first (above) is me at the Reading Pagoda, in Berks County, PA, USA, with the stock/'naked' look, aside from the black nylon (Kawasaki) saddle bags I first rocked on her. (I still love the OEM look, but prefer the smoother rides gained by adding a good front fairing, and temporarily dabbled with the National F-18 Fairing, though it's not pictured here).
The second photograph is me on her, alongside a semi-local service station, for a sweet, patriotic USA pic I simply couldn't resist taking, just before Independence Day (2017).
This shows some of the many of the amazing upgrades (and replacements) I've managed to outfit her with, since I began this journey (around May of 2016), which include but are not limited to: Targa Tsunami (front fairing), Targa Air Dam (a.k.a. "chin scoop"), Givi N140 Wingrack II with Y127 Universal Fit Kit and Givi E-21 Monokey hard side cases, 3M Knee Grips, Waterproof aseismatic GPS mount, waterproof magnetic smartphone tank bag, waterproof USB/'cigarette' outlets, battery tender port, convex round blind spot mirrors, deer warnings, centerstand, OEM tool kit & owner's manual, kickstand plate enlarger, Honda & Clymer service manuals, etc.
Givi top case to follow...quite possibly the Givi E460N, with AdMore lights, backrest and luggage rack? Only time will tell. (Meanwhile, someone on Facebook Marketplace gave me a nice, used Givi Monolock E30 Tour top case with backrest and AdMore lights, which I just need the Givi Z340 Monolock Wingrack plate for).
While was challenging finding some of the "unobtainium" Targa and Givi add-ons, but it's all a part of the adventure...with parts originating from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Hong Kong, etc.
Now my wife's hoping we may someday add a Honda CB250 Nighthawk in Tahitian Blue to our stable, for her to ride, which I think is absolutely awesome!
So good to be riding again, via this trusty Honda Nighthawk. I'm told the original owner drover her cross-country, three times, which is both incredible and inspiring, if so. Thanks so much for maintaining this wonderful website and all the best.
Enjoy the Ride,
Eastern PA, USA
Added July 24, 2017
Hey Paul,
I’m Ken Golden, 50 yrs. old living in the Catskill mountains of upstate New York. I have been a motorcycle rider since childhood. Suffered a spinal injury in 93’ and gave up motorcycling for quads. I had purchased the 83’ CB550SC back in 95’ for a couple hundred dollars. I got it running after an ignition problem and put it away in my storage shed for twenty years. A couple years ago one of my buddy's daughters bought her first sportbike and he decided to get himself a bike as well. I decided to pull the old Nighthawk out of the shed and into the garage. It has taken me almost two years of working on it, on and off, here and there but it’s finally back on the road where it belongs. Who says you can't paint with a spray can? What a blast! The bike still runs great! It’s likely the only Nighthawk with training wheels!
Ken Golden
New York
Added July 24, 2017
'83 model CB450SC NightHawk.
My sister's first bike. She got it after it had suffered a crash. Tank dented, steering handles bent, headlight supports cracked, scratches all over. An old geezer tried his bike after a long hibernation. Well, he had lost some control himself after too many years. After some cosmetic repairs and two years driving she had some troubles with starting, as well as the lighting. Had a "handyman" look at it, but he couldn't find the mishap but tried something with extra cabling without any good result. So turned to me. Starting motor turned out to be just fine, as well as the lighting. What happened? Someone greased the starter button with all purpose grease! Cleaned it, got rid of the spaghetti-like extra electrics et presto: A fine machine with some scars. In the meantime, she bought a Yamaha Maxim XJ700 Canadian version. For her shortage of leg-length that was another issue now solved.
So I purchased a 2nd hand gas tank, spray painted the bike metallic grey. Original it was Candy Empire Blue with light blue and grey pinstripes. Hey, that's weird!: '83 was Black or Red! Also a plastic type front fender. Something must have happened! Probably just before importing from USA to Holland (that was done to avoid "being new" tax issues, the bikes were shipped to USA, rode for some few thousand miles so they could be imported at lower tax rates. We call it "grey import"). Well, to make a long story short: Customised it with LED blinkers/passing lights, a cockpit fairing and got some nice NH stickers somewhere from Australia. As these bikes were never sold new in Holland but imported from US of A, it has a "miles per hour" speedometer. Almost 60.000 miles on it and still purring like a kitten! A new "Sadddleman" cover, some extra seat-padding for I am 1.80m and "M type" steering handles and it's a fine bike for me now. I've done 20.000 miles in 3 years time. 130km/u (85MpH)? No sweat! Even better than 100km/u (65MpH). There are some hundreds bike still roaming the lowlands, so Yes, It is an icon you might talk about!
Jan V.
Added July 24, 2017
In 1995 I moved from California to New York due to work. My first child was almost 5 and the second was on the way, so I put riding on hold and put my 650 in storage. In 2001 I bought the NH 750 instead of restarting my 650. And most recently I have been cruising on my VT1300. Then, in November I got the opportunity of a lifetime ... retire about 5 years early! So I made restoring my 650 my winter project. My first decent size bike and I love it. I think it's one of the best bikes Honda made.
Thanks for the encouragement. You don't know it, but your site spurred me forward.
All the best.
Huntington, NY
Added July 24, 2017
I was digging through some old emails and I found this one from last year. I meant to send you information about my dad's and my 1983 Honda CB550SC Nighthawk until now. Attached are photos of the bike.
Sadly, my Father suddenly passed away in April of 201. He was the original owner of this bike when he bought it on an April Day in 1984 - he was 25 years old and just starting out his career as an engineer in Lorain, OH. The bike was ridden for roughly 1,995 miles before my dad decided to store the bike in our Strongsville, OH garage and start a family. His family was his pride and joy so he made the choice to put the bike away. However, In 2012 when I was in college studying engineering and having a fascination for cars and motorcycles - he finally gave me the keys. Boy oh boy did the bike need a lot of work - new battery, new spark plugs, new oil, new gas, new fuel petcock, new carburetor jets and O-rings - the list went on and on. Every step of the way my father helped me to restore the bike to its 1983 model year glory. We finally got the bike running on a warm February day in 2013. I was so excited! The bike was not licensed but I had experience on my dad's 1981 Honda CB125S so I decided to take it around the block. The shaft drive felt incredible, and the hydraulic clutch was so smooth compared to the cable clutch on the 125. My dad would go on to let me license it and followed me as I rode it down I-71 South to use it at The Ohio State University.
I am so lucky that my dad and I bonded over this wonderful motorcycle. I plan to keep it for years to come, showing my children and grandchildren and keep it as a wonderful memory.
Alexander Ivanov
Added July 24, 2017
Paul - I just wanted to say how much I enjoyed your website! I just read your story and learned about your ties to South Dakota. I grew up in Aberdeen and learned to ride on a 1980 Honda XL185S. Then I had a Kawaski KDX 175. At least until the motor blew up.
Fast forward 30 years I now live in Elk Point, SD and just purchased a 1982 Nighthawk 450 with only 10k miles! It looked a little rough but after many hours with some polishing compound I have it looking pretty good! It is in great shape for it's age and will serve to teach my boys how to ride!
Steve Nelson
Elk Point, South Dakota
Added November 9, 2016
I have a US 1983 650 Nighthawk, and am currently employing the services of a seasoned engineer to make it a viable daily joy to ride.
Accessing bits has been tough-getting most from the US, since this is a US model , with quite a lot of differences from UK Nighthawks. Been very impressed with Stateside dealers! Lots to do but getting there.
Dave Hunt
Kent, England
Added Oct 24, 2016
Here's my new bike. 1984 Nighthawk 750S. I have loved these since I was 14 when they first came out. Still a great bike with lots of power. And being Canadian we get the added bonus of 50cc!!!
32 years on the road and going for lots more.
Mike McDermott
Added Oct 24, 2016
My bike is a 2000 Nighthawk 750. After a recent accident I switched out the stock exhaust to Mac performance pipes and added bar end mirrors as well as a lower bar. She is my daily commute and the first bike I have ever owned. Looking forward to many more miles and memories.
Raymond Gant
Los Angles, CA
Added Oct 24, 2016
I bought this bike a little over a year ago from craigslist—my very first street bike. New plugs, new upholstered seat, new clutch, new drive sprocket and chain, cleaned carbs (which still have issues). Pulled it apart for all plastics and fuel tank, and wheels for body work and paint. The chrome is in fair condition considering its age. I'm proud of it and ride it often.
Timothy Gibson
Griffin GA
Added October 24, 2016
This Nighthawk 550 was sitting in a barn for years and I managed to get it on the road again. It took some time but man was it fun and I love riding it. Thanks Paul!
John Case
Bothel, Washington
Added July 13, 2016
Hi Paul and Nighthawk riders,
I bought a 1985 Honda Nighthawk 450 (CB450SC) this spring. I bought it for just over a $1000 put a few hundred into it. It needed a few minor repairs which I did in my garage. The clear coat was chipping and my preference wasn't for red. I repainted the rear farings, tank and painted the emblems, put lower handlebars on the bike and had the seat redone. For only putting a few hundred extra into the bike, I'm really happy with how it turned out.
If I could have found a 650, I would have taken it. However, I don't regret buying the 450. The 6th gear makes Highway riding doable, but this bike's greatest strength is city riding. It's easy to ride and is really nimble. I'm expecting to have a few good seasons on this bike.
Calgary Alberta, Canada
Added July 9, 2016
Hi Paul,
I already have a 700S up on your site, but stupidly I sold it. Big mistake! Best bike I've ever had, however, after 2 years of searching, I found another one in Ireland. This one needed a good bit of work, like brakes, fork seals, starter motor rebuild, rocker cover gasket etc. I've had it 6 months now and I'm nearly finished restoring it. It's only got 28k on it and still has its "customs cleared" stickers from Jersey port having been imported into Ireland in 2005. The engine is running beautifully and as there is only 5 or 6 of these bikes in all of Ireland I get stopped everywhere I go. I've been in touch with most of the other 700S owners in the country and plan on getting us all together for a run and a photo shot this summer. This bike was, in my opinion, one of the best Honda built. What other bike has a fuel and gear indicator, hydraulic valves, shaft drive, 6 speed gear box, I could go on??!!! It looks fantastic, is easy to service, drives beautifully, sounds wonderful and just puts a huge grin on my face every time I take it for a spin. I will be keeping this one, never letting it go!!. My only issue is that parts are hard to find in Ireland. Some bits swap over (the starter motor in mine was from a 96 NH I found in a bike breakers). There is a guy in the States on Facebook, "Joes Nighthawk page" I think it's called and last count he has 34 of this exact bike!! Good to know there is someone as passionate about this model as I am.
Thanks again Paul for a wonderful dedication to this outstanding bike. Your site is a pleasure to be part of.
All the best and keep up the good work!!!
Marc, Dublin, Ireland
Added January 26, 2016
Hey Paul,
I'm glad you ran into me on YouTube! I spent many hours pouring through these very pages in early 2010 before deciding to get a Nighthawk 650 as my first bike.
I found this '85 in really good shape for $1k. This bike was my daily ride for 2.5 years. In that time I put 50,000 more miles on the clock - I rode it to work, to class, to visit, to run errands, to clear my head, and to seek adventure. I learned so much from this bike! I trusted this bike and it never let me down... except when it did, so I got good at bump starting it - oh, silly stator! :)
I did basic age related work, like pouring the water out of the clutch slave cylinder, fixing the turn signal stalks, re-covering the seat, cleaning out the petcock filters, etc. The carbs were pretty clean inside so I left them alone for the most part (riding is the best carb therapy :) I also mounted lower bars than stock.
The bike had a small Slipstreamer windscreen when I got it, which I liked using on long trips. Eventually I made my own fiberglass headlight fairing which was designed around the OEM Suzuki Bandit windscreen. The fairing was hinged near the upper edge of the headlight and the angle could be adjusted on the road using a large hand knob hidden above the gauges. The serrated addition to the top of the windscreen was a later version of something I came up with while using the Slipstreamer screen. It cut way down on wind noise and buffeting. The custom windshield didn't end up needing it as much as the Slipstreamer. It won't work for everyone, but it's easy to make and worth a try.
I also built a small luggage rack using carbon fiber arrowshafts, carbon fiber tow, and CA glue. The previous owner had put two 3/8" holes through the top of the rear grab-rail. I mounted the rack using these holes and two aluminum struts that tied discretely into the rear aluminum trim. I can't recommend doing this, because after a few thousand miles with a loaded pack, cracks began forming in the steel sub-frame cross-member that the grab-rail mounts to. I do think if welded reinforcements were added in that area, the rack could have carried it's 12 lb load until the end of time.
In the bitter end, this bike was killed by a VW Jetta who got excited and jumped in front of me :/ The forks and frame were bent and it was totaled, but I bought it back from salvage and parted out allot of it, making more than the $1k I originally paid plus the salvage fee! I still have the engine, carbs, swingarm, and wheels among other parts... Maybe it will be reincarnated eventually...
*stares blankly into the distance... wheels turning*
Thanks Paul for creating this wonderful resource, and hosting a community for Nighthawk riders!
Daniel (drienkm on YouTube)
Added December 23, 2015
I learned to ride in 2005 after browsing motorcycles online for several years. The bike I wanted was a Nighthawk 750, but since they stopped making them in 2003, they were hard to find and harder to finance, so I settled on a Honda Shadow Aero. It had a beautiful two tone paint job of blue and black. With its low center of gravity and wide handlebars, it was a perfect first motorcycle. I customized it with lots of chrome and large Leatherlyke saddlebags. In spite of its 750 cc engine, I never really outgrew it or desired higher displacement. It did everything I needed it to do, but it wasn't my dream bike.
In 2009, I mentioned to a salesman at a local Honda dealership that I was still interested in a Nighthawk 750, and about a week later, he called me to tell me he had one in the showroom. It was a 2003 model in pretty good shape, but it had signs of having been in an accident. One of the risers was slightly bent so the
handlebars weren't perfectly straight, and the rubber was worn off the sides of the foot pegs, but it passed my inspection and test ride. It only had about 6,000 miles on the odometer, so it had obviously sat for a while. Since I was done paying off the Shadow, and knowing the dealership wasn't doing much business due to the recession, I made what I thought was a ridiculously low offer and they accepted it!
I decided that since the Shadow had a fuel tank the size of a thimble, I would use it for commuting and customize the Nighthawk for touring. I ordered a Plexifairing from National Cycle and, hearing about how uncomfortable the stock seat was, I ordered a Corbin seat. I'm not really sure which seat is more comfortable though. The stock seat is softer than the Corbin seat, but the Corbin seat sits a little higher. Anyway, while on a long trip, my hands were really uncomfortable with he stock hand grips, so I upgraded to Kuryaken isogrips. The guy who sold them to me assured me they would fit, but when I got to my destination and installed them, I discovered he was wrong. I've been living with them anyway because they are comfortable, even if there is a space between the grips and the controls. I installed engine guards, although I haven't installed foot pegs on them yet, and I got some cheap strap-on luggage.
A few years ago, I moved from a house into an apartment, so I stored the Nighthawk in my mother's garage and I continued to ride the Shadow. Eventually, when apartment living took its cosmetic toll on the Shadow, I sold it a few months ago, and I took the Nighthawk out of mothballs. Now I'm commuting and taking weekend trips on the Nighthawk and considering more upgrades.
The first picture (above) is the Shadow in its prime. The second is the Nighthawk in its prime. The picture (at right) I took today before heading home from my weekend trip to see my mother.
(Added June 10, 2014)
Hi. Here is a picture of my 1984 Honda Nighthawk 750S Canadian spec. I wanted one of these back in the day but couldn’t afford one at the time. I have restored several bikes over the years and was looking for a project for this winter when I came across this neglected example. It had sat outside a lot and was faded and filthy dirty but was complete and ran OK. I did all the normal stuff you’d expect, brakes, carbs, tires, seat recover, and so forth. A couple operations that fellow NH owners may find interesting is that I wanted to retain the stock exhaust but the finish was in poor condition although it was sound otherwise. No one that I could find does black chrome. I had the chrome stripped and had them ceramic powder coated. I’m happy with the result. I also replaced the sight glasses in the master cylinders, something most people said could not be done. It wasn’t a big deal. Also, after disassembling the instrument cluster and detailing it, I replaced all the bulbs with automotive type LED bulbs. It makes the dash lights just “pop” and gives it a fresh, modern look. Finally, here’s a hint for anyone who’s switchgear plastic has faded white over the years: slather them down with silicone based grease and let them sit overnight. Wipe off the next day and they’ll be black as can be.
It’s still the dead of winter here but I look forward to riding it in the spring! Nice to see a website dedicated to this overlooked classic, I think it’s just a matter of time before the collectors catch on to what a cool old bike they are.
Les (Canada)
Added March 26, 2014
Hello Paul, From Maurice and Bill in Maraetai Beach, Auckland New Zealand,
Well, summer is almost here for us Kiwi’s down under and hence we are out and about in God’s Zone on the Bikes. Please find a couple of lines about us and the Bikes and some photographs as promised, we hope this is of interest to our American cousins and Nighthawk lovers? Like many Bikers we have returned to riding in middle age, wisdom now perhaps replacing the need for speed and cruising hopefully replacing bruising! The bikes perform wonderfully on the highway and corner well on our smaller and sometimes sharp bending NZ country roads, they usually generate gracious comments owing to their age, condition and rarity here in NZ. Our ladies sometimes join us for trips at the weekend thereby extending playtime for the boys all for the cost of a lunch and coffee. :)
The photographs are taken at Karioitahi Black sand beach, south west of Auckland city.
The bikes are:
Nighthawk 750 1991. I am the second owner here in NZ, purchasing the bike in early 2009. She is in original condition with 81,000 Kilo meters on the clock. (Bill)
Nighthawk 700 S 1984. (imported into NZ in 1999) I am, I think, the third owner here in NZ, the bike was bought for me for my 50th Birthday in 2009. The bike seems to have spent most of its life in storage prior to me owning it and only has 36,000 American Miles on it but I am doing my best to put that right! She is original except for the mufflers and the decal missing from the fairing. I added the bag carrier. It’s a dream to ride. (Maurice)
Best wishes to you Paul, thanks for hosting a great site, Cheers, Maurice and Bill
Added December 27, 2013
Hello, I am Eric.
I live in Deventer, a medium-sized city in the east of The Netherlands
I got this bike September 6, 2013. It's a Honda Nighthawk CB650SC built in 1982. The motorcycle is in March 1991 imported from the USA.
It is in appearance a beautiful bike. For me as a beautiful woman. Slim and with the right sizes. I have to do a few minor repairs, but if it is done I hope many miles to drive.
Thanks for making this site about this special Honda. Keep up the good work.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Eggert
Deventer, The Netherlands
Added December 27, 2013
Hi Paul,
Finally got around to taking pix of my fantastic 1985 Honda Nighthawk 700sc. I swapped it for a Bandit. A steal I think. It was rebuilt, sold and then left in a garden. The guy I swapped it off got it from the same guy that rebuilt it—having bought it back! There's only 33k on it and its runs like a Swiss watch. Everything works almost like brand new! I am chuffed. It's such a nice bike to drive and having six gears is a real plus as it just hums along!
Marc in Dublin, Ireland
Added Nov 13, 2013
Hi Paul,
Great job on your Web site!
I am a 53 year-old former bike mechanic (from a LONG TIME ago). I recently relocated to the Las Vegas area from the East Coast (Maryland).
The climate around here is ideal for motorcycling. I was wondering when I would be able to get a bike. I feel like I just experienced some serendipity! My 20 year-old car recently started threatening an “unplanned retirement” so I started looking for some back up/alternate transportation, just to be on the safe side. I quickly stumbled on a good deal on Craig’s List for a 1998 Honda CB750 Nighthawk in decent shape with only 45,000 miles on the clock! J I managed to buy the bike with CASH, after bending over backwards (robbing Peter to pay Paul).
I am SO GLAD that I bought this bike! This machine is SUCCULENT to say the least! J I’ve already done a lot of work on this bike. The machine responds so nicely to proper repair work, adjustments, lubrication and other such treatment! Handling, reliability, operation, performance -ALL EXCELLENT!
I have owned and repaired many other Hondas in my lifetime. I’ve been keeping records since 1970! J My previous motorcycles include (in reverse chronological order): 1983 Honda GL1100-Interstate, 1991 Honda CBR600F2, 1978 Honda GL1000, 1975 Kawasaki KZ400, 1978 Yamaha XS750, 1975 Honda CB360T, 1967 Honda CL450, 1968 Honda SL70, 1965 Vespa 65cc scooter.
One of the things that impresses me with Honda motorcycles is that the owners of these bikes tend to be very loyal and enthusiastic for Honda and motorcycling, and they also like to socialize with each other. Gold Wing people are also like this. Your Web site is a good example of this unusual behavior.
Safe riding!
Tim Barber
Boulder City, NV
Added Oct 7, 2013
One of the joys of maintaining this website for so many years is hearing from Nighthawk owners (literally) all over the world. Many of them take the time to send me a picture of their motorcycle, and starting back in 2003 I decided to start posting them here. Grab a camera and have someone take a picture of you on your Nighthawk. Then email me using this form and I will get back to you. I look forward to hearing from you. —Paul
Click on all images to enlarge
This is my 1992 Nighthawk 750. I picked it up for a few hundred bucks along with a low-mileage crashed 2000 parts bike. The '92 didn't run but turned over, so I proceeded to pull the carbs. 7 hours later and with a mostly disassembled rear end I got them off. Man I don't like this air box! I'll buy some pods.
Cleaned carbs and found interesting adjustable needles. Brand new Keihin 118 main jet and 40 primary. This thing takes of like a rocket ship and louder than any other bike in my area. Lots of heavy gauge steel wool fixed that, but I would not recommend anything past 6k RPM. Drove myself nuts for about a month playing with these carbs. No mater what, there's a brick wall at 6 grand. Finally one day a guy told me to just put the author(sic) back in and after a long struggle it went in. I buttoned it all back up and the first thing I noticed is that it felt completely different. I got out on the street and it was very docile at first, but then it eclipsed that 6k RPM wall and wow it almost got away from me. 😎
I've recovered the seat cleaned it up and put almost 5k on it in the first 9 months. I had to change out the ignition box from the parts bike, change oil, plugs, clean tank and put on new tires. I love it! It's gonna get some live from me I have ambitions of a cbr 600 wheel and lower forktube to convert to dual disc and figured out a way to run the rear CBR rim and mout a caliper so I will basically be building to Euro specs. Over the winter I plan on putting the 800 mile 2000 engine on and building a new wiring harness. Tried to use LED blinkers but I gave up.
Brandon Bowen
Location unknown
Added January 21, 2019
Hi Paul,
I am a fan of your website from Italy. I bought my Honda CB 450 Nighthawk (1985 model) two years ago. It was very well kept and mantained, with about 40 thousand kilometers. The bike had been kept in a garage for a long time when I bought it, so I had to put it back in shape before driving it on the road, and I have to say your website and forums helped me a great deal. After about 10 thousand kilometers on the road I have to say I love this bike, it suits my chill driving style, it's got a very comfortable seat and seating position and it's not too heavy in the turns, so you can even drive in a more sporty way if you want. I do not use my bike to commute, but I feel very lucky because I live in a place (the Italian alps) where beautiful twisty roads are plentiful (Stelvio pass, for example). Hence the bike is a perfect adventure machine on the weekends. Thanks to this bike I discovered so many places I did not know, and this made me start thinking about a long bike trip to visit central Europe, so I need to prepare the trusty NH for travel! Thanks again for the great community hub you provide, and good riding to everybody!
Luca from Italy
Added January 21, 2019
Hi Paul,
I love your site and forums! After getting into riding last year I found my 1982 cb750SC Nighthawk. I was browsing for an upgrade from my 1979 Honda CM400a. I saw the NH and went to take a look. Then I went a 2nd time. The owner let me take her up and down the street. 3rd time I bought it! I did not like the seat it had so i found an original. It came with 4 into 1 exhaust. I plasti-dipped the side covers. Upgraded healight and rear lights to LED. She is running great. 44,700 km.
Roger V
Hamilton, Canada
Added June 16, 2018
I live in San Francisco and have been riding since about 18 years old, 63 now. Used to have a Yamaha Vision and in my frequent trips to mechanic to fix the stator, I saw a Nighthawk S and thought it would be a good choice with similar engine size and shaft drive. Probably bought first one in late 80s where I fashioned a large windscreen with Plexi over a clay form to fit the bikini fairing. Later while looking for a replacement Nighthawk model, I found one with a Pichler fairing and while not super pretty, it was very functional. Added a windscreen lip to further divert the wind. Found another Pichler EXS while searching for Nighthawks on Craigslist classifieds. The original Pichler was previously repaired and between my own droppings and drivers knocking it over I made a serious search with some insurance money for a proper repair but finding someone who could repair and paint ABS plastic took a while. Now I have 2 repaired and painted EXS fairing sets.
Mostly use as a commuter, but I have taken it out on occasion for some Northern California twistie road trips and weekend rides. Can't fully remember, but think I've had about 5 Nighthawk-S's, all red/black and mostly 86's as I prefer the color scheme; some have had to be retired prematurely due to shifting problems but have found a mechanic who can actually repair it now without removing the engine to make it cost effective.
San Francisco, CA
Added May 17, 2018

So my search resumed, and I came across a bike for sale locally that was in need of some serious TLC. A well-enjoyed 1992 750 in various shades and textures of black. She had been low-sided at least once on each side and need many bits and pieces replaced but seemed pretty mechanically sound. This was in January. I figured that I had time to get some work done before riding season arrived so I pulled the trigger.

I've chronicled (though perhaps not in as much detail as I would have liked) the process here.
Thanks for creating this site! Reading about the love that owners have for these bikes really helped convince me to get her!
Okemos, Michigan
Added August 1, 2017
Hello Paul,
I've very much enjoyed perusing your Nighthawk Pages, and have been looking forward to someday submitting something for the awesome Your Nighthawk section, so here it goes...
My parent's helped some family friends build a home when I was in second or third grade, who were kind enough to let me ride their (mixed gasoline fueled) mini-bike around, all over their neighboring fields, (right after the corn had been harvested). I was so excited, that I didn't say a peep when I'd burned my leg on the motor, after jumping everything in sight, and just kept on rolling. Despite my best efforts, I simply couldn't convince my folks to ever score us a mini-bike of our own, but I never forgot that feeling. In fact, my Dad did buy me a mesh Kawasaki shirt I'm told I wore every day until it simply fell off of me, Haha.
Fast forwarding, after I graduated high school, I was abroad with YWAM and Mercy Ships in a few spots, including Guinea, Africa, where our team rented a sweet Honda 90 motorcycle, which was the first time I'd had a chance to re-learn this lost art, and I was re-hooked.
Shortly thereafter, I began my first career and quickly seized the opportunity to (finally) buy my first motorcycle, a used Yamaha Seca II XJ600 sports bike, in black, which I absolutely loved. Fast forwarding a bit further, while abroad in that same career (and now married and then) living in New Zealand, I owned a beautiful, used Honda GL145 motorbike, in blue, which had a manual kick start, which I grew quite fond of. In hindsight, I wish I'd looked into shipping her back home when my one year Work Visa/Work Permit was up, but I did not. Did a road trip of much of The South Island on her, before moving back stateside though, and made some great memories throughout my stay.
We started having some pretty amazing kids, blinked, and realized that over a decade had inadvertently passed since I'd last owned a bike of my own, (and renting them on vacations simply didn't seem to suffice). That's when my wife and I realized it was time for me to get back in the saddle again.
After much research, including, but not limited to that of Paul's Honda Nighthawk Pages, I came to the conclusion that I wanted a classic, reliable, low maintenance, Honda Nighthawk, preferably in black, if possible.
I soon found what would become my new-to-me, used, 1992 Honda CB750 Nighthawk, in black, on Craigslist, in New York. I test drove her, and much to my surprise, everything came right back to me, as if I'd never stopped riding. After trailering her back home to Pennsylvania, I got her PA Inspected and serviced. (Admittedly, that set me back a little more than anticipated, but she's been a blast and I always like the peace of mind that everything's as it should be).
Just to be safe, (though I'd taken PA's Motorcycle Safety Course, some 15 or so years ago), I quickly signed up for and completed PA's Return to Rider (Intermediate) and PA's Advanced Rider's Course, which were pretty fun (plus these typically earn you around a 5% discount on your Motorcycle insurance premiums, anyways).
I've attached two of my favorite photographs of her so far. The first (above) is me at the Reading Pagoda, in Berks County, PA, USA, with the stock/'naked' look, aside from the black nylon (Kawasaki) saddle bags I first rocked on her. (I still love the OEM look, but prefer the smoother rides gained by adding a good front fairing, and temporarily dabbled with the National F-18 Fairing, though it's not pictured here).
The second photograph is me on her, alongside a semi-local service station, for a sweet, patriotic USA pic I simply couldn't resist taking, just before Independence Day (2017).
This shows some of the many of the amazing upgrades (and replacements) I've managed to outfit her with, since I began this journey (around May of 2016), which include but are not limited to: Targa Tsunami (front fairing), Targa Air Dam (a.k.a. "chin scoop"), Givi N140 Wingrack II with Y127 Universal Fit Kit and Givi E-21 Monokey hard side cases, 3M Knee Grips, Waterproof aseismatic GPS mount, waterproof magnetic smartphone tank bag, waterproof USB/'cigarette' outlets, battery tender port, convex round blind spot mirrors, deer warnings, centerstand, OEM tool kit & owner's manual, kickstand plate enlarger, Honda & Clymer service manuals, etc.
Givi top case to follow...quite possibly the Givi E460N, with AdMore lights, backrest and luggage rack? Only time will tell. (Meanwhile, someone on Facebook Marketplace gave me a nice, used Givi Monolock E30 Tour top case with backrest and AdMore lights, which I just need the Givi Z340 Monolock Wingrack plate for).
While was challenging finding some of the "unobtainium" Targa and Givi add-ons, but it's all a part of the adventure...with parts originating from Arkansas, Oklahoma, Hong Kong, etc.
Now my wife's hoping we may someday add a Honda CB250 Nighthawk in Tahitian Blue to our stable, for her to ride, which I think is absolutely awesome!
So good to be riding again, via this trusty Honda Nighthawk. I'm told the original owner drover her cross-country, three times, which is both incredible and inspiring, if so. Thanks so much for maintaining this wonderful website and all the best.
Enjoy the Ride,
Eastern PA, USA
Added July 24, 2017
Hey Paul,
I’m Ken Golden, 50 yrs. old living in the Catskill mountains of upstate New York. I have been a motorcycle rider since childhood. Suffered a spinal injury in 93’ and gave up motorcycling for quads. I had purchased the 83’ CB550SC back in 95’ for a couple hundred dollars. I got it running after an ignition problem and put it away in my storage shed for twenty years. A couple years ago one of my buddy's daughters bought her first sportbike and he decided to get himself a bike as well. I decided to pull the old Nighthawk out of the shed and into the garage. It has taken me almost two years of working on it, on and off, here and there but it’s finally back on the road where it belongs. Who says you can't paint with a spray can? What a blast! The bike still runs great! It’s likely the only Nighthawk with training wheels!
Ken Golden
New York
Added July 24, 2017
'83 model CB450SC NightHawk.
My sister's first bike. She got it after it had suffered a crash. Tank dented, steering handles bent, headlight supports cracked, scratches all over. An old geezer tried his bike after a long hibernation. Well, he had lost some control himself after too many years. After some cosmetic repairs and two years driving she had some troubles with starting, as well as the lighting. Had a "handyman" look at it, but he couldn't find the mishap but tried something with extra cabling without any good result. So turned to me. Starting motor turned out to be just fine, as well as the lighting. What happened? Someone greased the starter button with all purpose grease! Cleaned it, got rid of the spaghetti-like extra electrics et presto: A fine machine with some scars. In the meantime, she bought a Yamaha Maxim XJ700 Canadian version. For her shortage of leg-length that was another issue now solved.
So I purchased a 2nd hand gas tank, spray painted the bike metallic grey. Original it was Candy Empire Blue with light blue and grey pinstripes. Hey, that's weird!: '83 was Black or Red! Also a plastic type front fender. Something must have happened! Probably just before importing from USA to Holland (that was done to avoid "being new" tax issues, the bikes were shipped to USA, rode for some few thousand miles so they could be imported at lower tax rates. We call it "grey import"). Well, to make a long story short: Customised it with LED blinkers/passing lights, a cockpit fairing and got some nice NH stickers somewhere from Australia. As these bikes were never sold new in Holland but imported from US of A, it has a "miles per hour" speedometer. Almost 60.000 miles on it and still purring like a kitten! A new "Sadddleman" cover, some extra seat-padding for I am 1.80m and "M type" steering handles and it's a fine bike for me now. I've done 20.000 miles in 3 years time. 130km/u (85MpH)? No sweat! Even better than 100km/u (65MpH). There are some hundreds bike still roaming the lowlands, so Yes, It is an icon you might talk about!
Jan V.
Added July 24, 2017
In 1995 I moved from California to New York due to work. My first child was almost 5 and the second was on the way, so I put riding on hold and put my 650 in storage. In 2001 I bought the NH 750 instead of restarting my 650. And most recently I have been cruising on my VT1300. Then, in November I got the opportunity of a lifetime ... retire about 5 years early! So I made restoring my 650 my winter project. My first decent size bike and I love it. I think it's one of the best bikes Honda made.
Thanks for the encouragement. You don't know it, but your site spurred me forward.
All the best.
Huntington, NY
Added July 24, 2017
I was digging through some old emails and I found this one from last year. I meant to send you information about my dad's and my 1983 Honda CB550SC Nighthawk until now. Attached are photos of the bike.
Sadly, my Father suddenly passed away in April of 201. He was the original owner of this bike when he bought it on an April Day in 1984 - he was 25 years old and just starting out his career as an engineer in Lorain, OH. The bike was ridden for roughly 1,995 miles before my dad decided to store the bike in our Strongsville, OH garage and start a family. His family was his pride and joy so he made the choice to put the bike away. However, In 2012 when I was in college studying engineering and having a fascination for cars and motorcycles - he finally gave me the keys. Boy oh boy did the bike need a lot of work - new battery, new spark plugs, new oil, new gas, new fuel petcock, new carburetor jets and O-rings - the list went on and on. Every step of the way my father helped me to restore the bike to its 1983 model year glory. We finally got the bike running on a warm February day in 2013. I was so excited! The bike was not licensed but I had experience on my dad's 1981 Honda CB125S so I decided to take it around the block. The shaft drive felt incredible, and the hydraulic clutch was so smooth compared to the cable clutch on the 125. My dad would go on to let me license it and followed me as I rode it down I-71 South to use it at The Ohio State University.
I am so lucky that my dad and I bonded over this wonderful motorcycle. I plan to keep it for years to come, showing my children and grandchildren and keep it as a wonderful memory.
Alexander Ivanov
Added July 24, 2017
Fast forward 30 years I now live in Elk Point, SD and just purchased a 1982 Nighthawk 450 with only 10k miles! It looked a little rough but after many hours with some polishing compound I have it looking pretty good! It is in great shape for it's age and will serve to teach my boys how to ride!
Steve Nelson
Elk Point, South Dakota
Added November 9, 2016
I have a US 1983 650 Nighthawk, and am currently employing the services of a seasoned engineer to make it a viable daily joy to ride.
Accessing bits has been tough-getting most from the US, since this is a US model , with quite a lot of differences from UK Nighthawks. Been very impressed with Stateside dealers! Lots to do but getting there.
Dave Hunt
Kent, England
Added Oct 24, 2016
Here's my new bike. 1984 Nighthawk 750S. I have loved these since I was 14 when they first came out. Still a great bike with lots of power. And being Canadian we get the added bonus of 50cc!!!
32 years on the road and going for lots more.
Mike McDermott
Added Oct 24, 2016
My bike is a 2000 Nighthawk 750. After a recent accident I switched out the stock exhaust to Mac performance pipes and added bar end mirrors as well as a lower bar. She is my daily commute and the first bike I have ever owned. Looking forward to many more miles and memories.
Raymond Gant
Los Angles, CA
Added Oct 24, 2016
I bought this bike a little over a year ago from craigslist—my very first street bike. New plugs, new upholstered seat, new clutch, new drive sprocket and chain, cleaned carbs (which still have issues). Pulled it apart for all plastics and fuel tank, and wheels for body work and paint. The chrome is in fair condition considering its age. I'm proud of it and ride it often.
Timothy Gibson
Griffin GA
Added October 24, 2016
This Nighthawk 550 was sitting in a barn for years and I managed to get it on the road again. It took some time but man was it fun and I love riding it. Thanks Paul!
John Case
Bothel, Washington
Added July 13, 2016
Hi Paul and Nighthawk riders,
I bought a 1985 Honda Nighthawk 450 (CB450SC) this spring. I bought it for just over a $1000 put a few hundred into it. It needed a few minor repairs which I did in my garage. The clear coat was chipping and my preference wasn't for red. I repainted the rear farings, tank and painted the emblems, put lower handlebars on the bike and had the seat redone. For only putting a few hundred extra into the bike, I'm really happy with how it turned out.
If I could have found a 650, I would have taken it. However, I don't regret buying the 450. The 6th gear makes Highway riding doable, but this bike's greatest strength is city riding. It's easy to ride and is really nimble. I'm expecting to have a few good seasons on this bike.
Calgary Alberta, Canada
Added July 9, 2016
Hi Paul,
I already have a 700S up on your site, but stupidly I sold it. Big mistake! Best bike I've ever had, however, after 2 years of searching, I found another one in Ireland. This one needed a good bit of work, like brakes, fork seals, starter motor rebuild, rocker cover gasket etc. I've had it 6 months now and I'm nearly finished restoring it. It's only got 28k on it and still has its "customs cleared" stickers from Jersey port having been imported into Ireland in 2005. The engine is running beautifully and as there is only 5 or 6 of these bikes in all of Ireland I get stopped everywhere I go. I've been in touch with most of the other 700S owners in the country and plan on getting us all together for a run and a photo shot this summer. This bike was, in my opinion, one of the best Honda built. What other bike has a fuel and gear indicator, hydraulic valves, shaft drive, 6 speed gear box, I could go on??!!! It looks fantastic, is easy to service, drives beautifully, sounds wonderful and just puts a huge grin on my face every time I take it for a spin. I will be keeping this one, never letting it go!!. My only issue is that parts are hard to find in Ireland. Some bits swap over (the starter motor in mine was from a 96 NH I found in a bike breakers). There is a guy in the States on Facebook, "Joes Nighthawk page" I think it's called and last count he has 34 of this exact bike!! Good to know there is someone as passionate about this model as I am.
Thanks again Paul for a wonderful dedication to this outstanding bike. Your site is a pleasure to be part of.
All the best and keep up the good work!!!
Marc, Dublin, Ireland
Added January 26, 2016
Hey Paul,
I'm glad you ran into me on YouTube! I spent many hours pouring through these very pages in early 2010 before deciding to get a Nighthawk 650 as my first bike.
I found this '85 in really good shape for $1k. This bike was my daily ride for 2.5 years. In that time I put 50,000 more miles on the clock - I rode it to work, to class, to visit, to run errands, to clear my head, and to seek adventure. I learned so much from this bike! I trusted this bike and it never let me down... except when it did, so I got good at bump starting it - oh, silly stator! :)
I did basic age related work, like pouring the water out of the clutch slave cylinder, fixing the turn signal stalks, re-covering the seat, cleaning out the petcock filters, etc. The carbs were pretty clean inside so I left them alone for the most part (riding is the best carb therapy :) I also mounted lower bars than stock.
The bike had a small Slipstreamer windscreen when I got it, which I liked using on long trips. Eventually I made my own fiberglass headlight fairing which was designed around the OEM Suzuki Bandit windscreen. The fairing was hinged near the upper edge of the headlight and the angle could be adjusted on the road using a large hand knob hidden above the gauges. The serrated addition to the top of the windscreen was a later version of something I came up with while using the Slipstreamer screen. It cut way down on wind noise and buffeting. The custom windshield didn't end up needing it as much as the Slipstreamer. It won't work for everyone, but it's easy to make and worth a try.
I also built a small luggage rack using carbon fiber arrowshafts, carbon fiber tow, and CA glue. The previous owner had put two 3/8" holes through the top of the rear grab-rail. I mounted the rack using these holes and two aluminum struts that tied discretely into the rear aluminum trim. I can't recommend doing this, because after a few thousand miles with a loaded pack, cracks began forming in the steel sub-frame cross-member that the grab-rail mounts to. I do think if welded reinforcements were added in that area, the rack could have carried it's 12 lb load until the end of time.
In the bitter end, this bike was killed by a VW Jetta who got excited and jumped in front of me :/ The forks and frame were bent and it was totaled, but I bought it back from salvage and parted out allot of it, making more than the $1k I originally paid plus the salvage fee! I still have the engine, carbs, swingarm, and wheels among other parts... Maybe it will be reincarnated eventually...
*stares blankly into the distance... wheels turning*
Thanks Paul for creating this wonderful resource, and hosting a community for Nighthawk riders!
Daniel (drienkm on YouTube)
Added December 23, 2015

In 2009, I mentioned to a salesman at a local Honda dealership that I was still interested in a Nighthawk 750, and about a week later, he called me to tell me he had one in the showroom. It was a 2003 model in pretty good shape, but it had signs of having been in an accident. One of the risers was slightly bent so the
handlebars weren't perfectly straight, and the rubber was worn off the sides of the foot pegs, but it passed my inspection and test ride. It only had about 6,000 miles on the odometer, so it had obviously sat for a while. Since I was done paying off the Shadow, and knowing the dealership wasn't doing much business due to the recession, I made what I thought was a ridiculously low offer and they accepted it!
I decided that since the Shadow had a fuel tank the size of a thimble, I would use it for commuting and customize the Nighthawk for touring. I ordered a Plexifairing from National Cycle and, hearing about how uncomfortable the stock seat was, I ordered a Corbin seat. I'm not really sure which seat is more comfortable though. The stock seat is softer than the Corbin seat, but the Corbin seat sits a little higher. Anyway, while on a long trip, my hands were really uncomfortable with he stock hand grips, so I upgraded to Kuryaken isogrips. The guy who sold them to me assured me they would fit, but when I got to my destination and installed them, I discovered he was wrong. I've been living with them anyway because they are comfortable, even if there is a space between the grips and the controls. I installed engine guards, although I haven't installed foot pegs on them yet, and I got some cheap strap-on luggage.
A few years ago, I moved from a house into an apartment, so I stored the Nighthawk in my mother's garage and I continued to ride the Shadow. Eventually, when apartment living took its cosmetic toll on the Shadow, I sold it a few months ago, and I took the Nighthawk out of mothballs. Now I'm commuting and taking weekend trips on the Nighthawk and considering more upgrades.
The first picture (above) is the Shadow in its prime. The second is the Nighthawk in its prime. The picture (at right) I took today before heading home from my weekend trip to see my mother.
(Added June 10, 2014)
Hi. Here is a picture of my 1984 Honda Nighthawk 750S Canadian spec. I wanted one of these back in the day but couldn’t afford one at the time. I have restored several bikes over the years and was looking for a project for this winter when I came across this neglected example. It had sat outside a lot and was faded and filthy dirty but was complete and ran OK. I did all the normal stuff you’d expect, brakes, carbs, tires, seat recover, and so forth. A couple operations that fellow NH owners may find interesting is that I wanted to retain the stock exhaust but the finish was in poor condition although it was sound otherwise. No one that I could find does black chrome. I had the chrome stripped and had them ceramic powder coated. I’m happy with the result. I also replaced the sight glasses in the master cylinders, something most people said could not be done. It wasn’t a big deal. Also, after disassembling the instrument cluster and detailing it, I replaced all the bulbs with automotive type LED bulbs. It makes the dash lights just “pop” and gives it a fresh, modern look. Finally, here’s a hint for anyone who’s switchgear plastic has faded white over the years: slather them down with silicone based grease and let them sit overnight. Wipe off the next day and they’ll be black as can be.
It’s still the dead of winter here but I look forward to riding it in the spring! Nice to see a website dedicated to this overlooked classic, I think it’s just a matter of time before the collectors catch on to what a cool old bike they are.
Les (Canada)
Added March 26, 2014
Hello Paul, From Maurice and Bill in Maraetai Beach, Auckland New Zealand,
Well, summer is almost here for us Kiwi’s down under and hence we are out and about in God’s Zone on the Bikes. Please find a couple of lines about us and the Bikes and some photographs as promised, we hope this is of interest to our American cousins and Nighthawk lovers? Like many Bikers we have returned to riding in middle age, wisdom now perhaps replacing the need for speed and cruising hopefully replacing bruising! The bikes perform wonderfully on the highway and corner well on our smaller and sometimes sharp bending NZ country roads, they usually generate gracious comments owing to their age, condition and rarity here in NZ. Our ladies sometimes join us for trips at the weekend thereby extending playtime for the boys all for the cost of a lunch and coffee. :)
The photographs are taken at Karioitahi Black sand beach, south west of Auckland city.
The bikes are:
Nighthawk 750 1991. I am the second owner here in NZ, purchasing the bike in early 2009. She is in original condition with 81,000 Kilo meters on the clock. (Bill)
Nighthawk 700 S 1984. (imported into NZ in 1999) I am, I think, the third owner here in NZ, the bike was bought for me for my 50th Birthday in 2009. The bike seems to have spent most of its life in storage prior to me owning it and only has 36,000 American Miles on it but I am doing my best to put that right! She is original except for the mufflers and the decal missing from the fairing. I added the bag carrier. It’s a dream to ride. (Maurice)
Best wishes to you Paul, thanks for hosting a great site, Cheers, Maurice and Bill
Added December 27, 2013
Hello, I am Eric.
I live in Deventer, a medium-sized city in the east of The Netherlands
I got this bike September 6, 2013. It's a Honda Nighthawk CB650SC built in 1982. The motorcycle is in March 1991 imported from the USA.
It is in appearance a beautiful bike. For me as a beautiful woman. Slim and with the right sizes. I have to do a few minor repairs, but if it is done I hope many miles to drive.
Thanks for making this site about this special Honda. Keep up the good work.
Yours sincerely,
Eric Eggert
Deventer, The Netherlands
Added December 27, 2013
Hi Paul,
Finally got around to taking pix of my fantastic 1985 Honda Nighthawk 700sc. I swapped it for a Bandit. A steal I think. It was rebuilt, sold and then left in a garden. The guy I swapped it off got it from the same guy that rebuilt it—having bought it back! There's only 33k on it and its runs like a Swiss watch. Everything works almost like brand new! I am chuffed. It's such a nice bike to drive and having six gears is a real plus as it just hums along!
Marc in Dublin, Ireland
Added Nov 13, 2013
Hi Paul,
Great job on your Web site!
I am a 53 year-old former bike mechanic (from a LONG TIME ago). I recently relocated to the Las Vegas area from the East Coast (Maryland).
The climate around here is ideal for motorcycling. I was wondering when I would be able to get a bike. I feel like I just experienced some serendipity! My 20 year-old car recently started threatening an “unplanned retirement” so I started looking for some back up/alternate transportation, just to be on the safe side. I quickly stumbled on a good deal on Craig’s List for a 1998 Honda CB750 Nighthawk in decent shape with only 45,000 miles on the clock! J I managed to buy the bike with CASH, after bending over backwards (robbing Peter to pay Paul).
I am SO GLAD that I bought this bike! This machine is SUCCULENT to say the least! J I’ve already done a lot of work on this bike. The machine responds so nicely to proper repair work, adjustments, lubrication and other such treatment! Handling, reliability, operation, performance -ALL EXCELLENT!
I have owned and repaired many other Hondas in my lifetime. I’ve been keeping records since 1970! J My previous motorcycles include (in reverse chronological order): 1983 Honda GL1100-Interstate, 1991 Honda CBR600F2, 1978 Honda GL1000, 1975 Kawasaki KZ400, 1978 Yamaha XS750, 1975 Honda CB360T, 1967 Honda CL450, 1968 Honda SL70, 1965 Vespa 65cc scooter.
One of the things that impresses me with Honda motorcycles is that the owners of these bikes tend to be very loyal and enthusiastic for Honda and motorcycling, and they also like to socialize with each other. Gold Wing people are also like this. Your Web site is a good example of this unusual behavior.
Safe riding!
Tim Barber
Boulder City, NV
Added Oct 7, 2013
This is my 2000 NH750 which I purchased new in 8/00. It is mechanically stock. I have added a tank bag, matching saddlebags and trunk bag (not shown), backrest, soft handgrips, and a windscreen. I use it for errand-running, commuting to work, and recreation. My 11 year-old son and 24 year-old daughter enjoy riding with me whenever possible. Other than tires, batteries, regular maintenance items, and a starter relay, it has been trouble-free. I look forward to many more years of enjoyment!
Gallipolis, OH
Gallipolis, OH
Added June 3, 2013
Hi Paul,
I bought my 1986 CB450SC (my first bike) the summer after my freshman year of college in 2009 when I was 18. Before I even bought the bike, I knew I wanted a nighthawk. Something about the way they're built and the way they look is just pleasing to me. When I read the article on your website about the 450, I knew it was the bike for me.
I bought the bike not running for $1000 with 24k on it, and had a local shop do some work on the carbs. Besides that, I've done some basic maintenance work on it and it's been running strong. I absolutely love this bike. It's everything I want in a machine, it's simple, reliable, sturdy, nimble, easily maintained, and it performs when I ask it to. I take care of it and it takes care of me, the way it should be.
I've sent along a picture I took yesterday in front of the Art Museum here in Philadelphia. You can ride right up in front of the building and enjoy a wonderful view of the Philly skyline with the beautiful facade of the art museum right behind you.
Thanks for the great site and happy riding!
Philadelphia, PA
Added April 10, 2013
Hey Paul -
I finally got my 2002 750NH to a point where it's just about where I want it. I'm in the San Francisco Bay Area and use it 11 months out of the year for weekends and day-trips. Pretty much stock except for the 'old-school' Shoei FM2 faring, Progressive 412 rear-shocks, Corbin seat, and Hyper-Lite flashing LED brake lights.
Back on the moto after a 30 year hiatus (deal was to get the kids through college) and loving every minute of it. One of the best decisions was to get the 750NH - does everything I want it to do, including low maintenance.
Added April 1, 2013
I'm 37 years old, and I live in St. Louis, Missouri. I was raised in somewhat of a motorcycle family, and I've wanted a bike since I moved back from Los Angeles. I began doing research a few months ago and came across your page. I felt with my budget constraints a used Nighthawk was a great looking, dependable option for me. The nice thing about the Midwest is that their are always a ton of used bikes and parts available in the region. I found this 1984 CBX650 on Craigslist and brought my brother (former road racer/ motorcycle mechanic) to check it out. Bought it right away, and it's in my buddy's shop getting fork seals, oil change, left brake line and clutch lever washer. Aside from that, my buddy Pete at Street Bikes Plus said it's the cleanest bike from the 80's he's ever seen that wasn't fully restored.
For less than $2000 I have what performs like a brand new bike with a little less than 10k on it. I've ridden it about 20 miles, and I love the manageable power and signature smooth Honda sound! I'm glad I made the move to get my bike, maintenance and license organized in the winter, so it's ready to rock when the weather turns! I would advise any rider new to the marketplace to invest in one of these classic gems over a Ninja or CBR 250 that they would likely have for sale within months of purchasing. This Nighthawk has all the power and styling to keep me happy, and when I upgrade at some point, I definitely intend on keeping this around as a commuter. In my market it's becoming trendy for the hipster and skinny jean guys to ditch the scooters and go with the vintage Japanese bikes, so this bike is kind of like blue jeans and Chuck Taylor's. Classics never go out of style! I love the condition of the original Candy red paint, so I'm gonna replace the decals, and just let it be with the polish and wax. Thanks for this forum. It really validates the purchase, and you can't beat $21 a month for full coverage insurance!
Chris Spears
Added April 1, 2013
I’ve been on your site many times over the years, and I really like the updated version! Many thanks for hosting such a cool place for those of us that are attached to our beloved Nighthawks. For many of us, motorcycles are just part of who we are. As they say, “You can take the man off the motorcycle, but you can’t take the motorcycle out of the man.” I really appreciate my wife and the fact that she acknowledges that primal instinct in me and puts up with my bizarre relationship with this bike.
This is me on my ‘85 CB700SC near Holbrook, Arizona a few months after I purchased it. (Click picture to enlarge.) My first big ride was near the Painted Desert with my brother-in-law. I was lucky enough to find this beauty in ‘08 from a local guy in Phoenix. He was the original owner who purchased it new from a dealer in Los Angeles. He put about 5k miles on it over the years, but otherwise it just sat covered up like a museum piece in his garage. When I saw it on CraigsList, my jaw hit the floor as I had been looking for a quality 700S for some time. Like many other guys in their mid-40’s, I was graduating from HS when this little beauty rolled off the assembly line and vowed I would someday own one.
It was quite an emotional experience for the owner (and his wife) as I paid him his $3,500 asking price and put it on my trailer (dead battery) and pulled away. It was on the high side but he was firm; and in the big picture, I didn’t care – it was that amazing. I still keep in touch with him, because I completely understand the twisted relationship we as men have with our beloved 2-wheeled machines. My very first bike was a 1975 Honda 400-Four SuperSport. It had that beautiful chrome 4-in-1 header pipe that sounded totally boss!! It was sure gutless on power, put man, it had this absolutely stunning exhaust tone. Probably the best one I’ve ever heard from a bike. Sold that to buy an ’83 650 Nighthawk. Mine was the burgundy wine color and super smooth with hydraulic clutch and shaft drive. I rode that all the way through college until a friend of a friend test road it, missed a gear, and blew up the tranny. Ugh. But after the 650, I was totally sold on the Nighthawk platform and its brilliantly engineered style.
This 700S is truly a remarkable piece of history. Literally not a scratch on it, except for the small ones I’ve put on while riding it under normal use. I had to rebuild the carbs and clean out the gas tank, change ALL the fluids, but otherwise it is not even broken in yet now with only 6.5k miles on it. Being a California bike, it had a ridiculous array of emissions contraptions (tubing and canisters) that I’ve removed to de-clutter the engine bay. Put some Bridgestone Battlax tires on it and she’s 100%. I’ve been urged to enter it in the Phoenix VJMC show from guys who see it and marvel at its stock condition. I feel very fortunate to have it and preserve it for the next passionate Nighthawk owner someday.
The link below is to my friend’s bike site with more pictures of it:
Again, thanks for the great site Paul. Happy trails to you. God bless.
Kurt in Phoenix, AZ
Added April 1, 2013
Hi Paul,
I live in San Diego. My first time riding on the street was the day I purchased my motorcycle. I had my eye on a Honda CB700SC Nighthawk S. (You should know that I chose to look for Nighthawks because of this site.)
I didn't find any on Craigslist in San Diego, so I ventured to comb the Los Angeles classifieds and found one in Venice Beach. My wife and kids drove me up to check it out. I looked, I liked, and I exchanged $2000 for the 1985 classic. "It's ready to ride," the former owner announced. Wow! Now it's mine. Really?
Since then, I've put on some ammo cans to serve as saddle bags. It's now my daily rider! For me, riding a motorcycle (instead of driving a car) has redefined what it means to travel through space and time: an activity that is to be enjoyed. I look forward to the many adventures that await my Nighthawk and me!
Thanks, Paul, for maintaining such an inspiring site!
San Diego
Added October 19, 2012
Here is a picture of my 1992 Nighthawk 750. I purchased it in October of 2011 from one of the guys in the shop. I bought it with 23,000 mild on it and it has close to 26,000 miles on it now. I ride it everyday the weather permits here in Houston. It runs great and averages 42 MPG. I bought it "naked" and have added the windshield, larger diameter Kuryakin ISO grips, new back tire, a "back-off" wig wag tail light flasher that operates each bulb alternately and then flashes them both before staying on. I have replaced a turn signal, put on a sissy bar with backrest. Since this picture, I have added a "cheap" black plastic trunk that has a lockable lid. Included on the truck is an LED bar mounted in the spoiler + it has left and right turn signal lenses.
Right now the bike is in the garage for the summer. I picked up a nail in the rear tire. I've been needing to replace the valve cover gasket because it has gotten old and stiff. I will do all that this summer. I also bought a cheap pair of highway pegs and will also install them.
This is the second 750 I have owned. I owned a 1972 Honda 750 back in the 1980's. That was a great bike. Both of the bikes are great. I miss riding.
I am enjoying all the posts and e-mails going back and forth. Thank you for starting and allowing me to participate in your web site.
Added August 27, 2012
I live in San Diego. My first time riding on the street was the day I purchased my motorcycle. I had my eye on a Honda CB700SC Nighthawk S. (You should know that I chose to look for Nighthawks because of this site.)
I didn't find any on Craigslist in San Diego, so I ventured to comb the Los Angeles classifieds and found one in Venice Beach. My wife and kids drove me up to check it out. I looked, I liked, and I exchanged $2000 for the 1985 classic. "It's ready to ride," the former owner announced. Wow! Now it's mine. Really?
Since then, I've put on some ammo cans to serve as saddle bags. It's now my daily rider! For me, riding a motorcycle (instead of driving a car) has redefined what it means to travel through space and time: an activity that is to be enjoyed. I look forward to the many adventures that await my Nighthawk and me!
Thanks, Paul, for maintaining such an inspiring site!
San Diego
Added October 19, 2012
Right now the bike is in the garage for the summer. I picked up a nail in the rear tire. I've been needing to replace the valve cover gasket because it has gotten old and stiff. I will do all that this summer. I also bought a cheap pair of highway pegs and will also install them.
This is the second 750 I have owned. I owned a 1972 Honda 750 back in the 1980's. That was a great bike. Both of the bikes are great. I miss riding.
I am enjoying all the posts and e-mails going back and forth. Thank you for starting and allowing me to participate in your web site.
Added August 27, 2012
Greetings Paul,
Here's my story and pictures.
The first time I saw a CB750 was in 1969 right after the main heat at the Hightstown mile dirt track in my home state of New Jersey. A crowd gathered as the owner fired it up. Right then you knew that motorcycles would never be the same.
Here's my story and pictures.
The first time I saw a CB750 was in 1969 right after the main heat at the Hightstown mile dirt track in my home state of New Jersey. A crowd gathered as the owner fired it up. Right then you knew that motorcycles would never be the same.
It took until 1982 before I bought my first CB750. An original 1969 a friend had rebuilt. I paid one dollar per CC. It was my only transportation and I rode it in all weather conditions. Rides up and down the coast of California and trips to Laguna Seca raceway. I sold the CB750 after five years to a young dude who really liked the bike. I felt OK about that.
In 1998 I bought a new 750 Nighthawk for commuting to work. Splitting lanes and zipping to the front of the line at red lights was the only way to make time in Silicon Valley rush hour. I loved that bike, babied it and rode it almost every Sunday to Alice’s Restaurant on Skyline Drive in the Santa Cruz Mountains. Skyline Drive is a classic MC route and there are always hundreds of classic and new bikes. When we moved to the NE corner of Washington state I sold my 750NH…a decision I regretted for ten years.
Maybe you know this feeling…I couldn’t live without a bike. I had to recapture what I has given up. I wanted a 750 Nighthawk and started looking on Craig’s List for a 2003…the last year Honda imported them. It took about 18 months until I found my current Nighthawk just south of Portland…500 miles away. I rented a U-Haul trailer and bought the bike based on a picture and talking with the owner. Believe it or not he was a little ole’ brain surgeon and the bike sat in his garage with only 5K on the clock….right next to his brand new Corvette. The bike had not been cared for and put away wet. Mechanically it was perfect. I took the bike completely apart (except for the engine) and cleaned, polished and buffed everything. New Dunlop K505’s and I’m on the road again. Loop rides to British Columbia and riding the North Cascades Highway.
I love the Nighthawk. It’s the last of what I call ‘real motorcycles’. Naked. Multi-purpose. Beautiful. Doesn’t look like something out of Star Wars or too complicated you can’t work on it. If Honda imported the Nighthawk again…I’d buy another one.
Keep the rubber side down.
Malo, WA
Added August 27, 2012
Hi Paul,
I was very happy to come by your website.
It all came about with my love to own a Harley XR 1200. I was loking to buy one of those but after finding out from our Harley dealer they were no longer shipped to Australia, he suggested to get on the 'net for a good secondhander.
I searched for one only to find most Harleys were in the $12000+ price bracket, so I started to read reviews and stumbled across this one. I immediatly had to find out more and your site was most helpful. Started to look at possibly importing one as, value for the money, no other bike compared.
Just by sheer luck there was one in Australia (Newcastle). Did some negotiating and 2hrs later had sealed a deal for $2750. In addition to getting the bike with 14000kms original mileage, I got a spare set of exhaust, new blinkers still in the packaging, new decal set, other bits and pieces and an original Honda Sales Book.
I have since registered it in Queensland Australia and very happy. (Can only trace one other in Oz!) It will become part of the stable now!
Cheers! Shane
Added July 9, 2012
Hi Paul,
My name is Jim Perkins and live in Bend, Oregon. Couldn't believe I found your great web site when I was looking to buy a NH. I first learned about them when I bought a new 650 NH in 1983. I loved the bike but had it for only five years. I went without a bike for twenty four years after that when I got the bug again. Bought (2) new KTM's, one adventure bike and the other a smaller dual sport. After realizing what I really wanted was another NH I sold the big adventure bike and found a pristine 1984 NH 700S with 16,500 mi. Modifications include progressive shock springs all around, K&N air filter, carb jetting and a high performance clutch. Everything else is stock and it runs like a dream. I've had it for less than a week but ride it every chance I get. Can't wait to take it on a long multi day trip around the western states. I've been reading lots of reviews on this bike and haven't found one negative comment about it.
Thanks again for your thoughtful web site and being able to post this up.
Date purchased 6/20/2012
Photo taken 6/21/2012
Added July 9, 2012
Hello Paul
Great site.
I was in the military back in ’86. I bought a brand new Honda Nighthawk 650 and got 6 weeks of leave that summer. I was 26 and rolled out the front gates of CFB Petawawa for the time of my life.
I toured most of North America. From Yosemite, Death Valley, the Avenue of the Giants in Oregon, the Great Plains, the Rockies, I slept in ditches and in fields ‘neath the stars, washed in rivers, ate a billion tacos, drank whisky and racked up 15, 000 miles, all solo. I will never forget all those miles and the smiles.
Regards, Don Laird
Edson, Alberta, Canada
PS:…Every young man needs to ride, solo, across the length and breadth of North America before he’s 25. As Mark Twain once said, "It's hard to be bigoted and narrow minded when you’re well traveled."
Added July 9, 2012
Hi Paul
Very Nice Pages you`ve got here! :-)
I`m sending you a picture of my beautiful 1993 Honda CB Nighthawk. This is taken yesterday near my hometown, Mo i Rana, close to the Arctic Circle in the northern part of Norway! The spot is on the top of a mountain pass and you can see it`s still a lot of snow up there!
Had my first real trip on the bike and these winding and real nice mc-roads in the area is a real pleasure and a perfect test to how the 250 will do. I must say it`s a fun and well liked little motorcycle.The power of the engine with it`s 20 hp meets in my opinion its only limit when I go uphill and want to pass cars going a little too slow. I`ll just have to chill and wait until I can use some time to pass or just stay behind for a while!
It`s a perfect bike around town and there`s no problems at all keeping the pace of the traffic all over.
My little beauty delivers all I could ever ask for! In fact, it`s such a joy to drive that my attitude not to use the bike unless it`s 15-18 degrees (celcius) terms no longer. As soon as the roads are dry I`m taking it out for a spin with a smile on my face though it might be no more than 5 degrees. The roundabouts are suddenly great fun to me ! :-)
You might think I`m a frist-time mc-driver but I`m not! This is my 5th bike after a Honda cb 450 , Kawazaki H2 750, Suzuki GT 750 and a Suzuki Intruder 800 :-) I bought my cb 450 in 1972, so I`d say I`m rather experienced.
After yeras with several trips around Scandinavia and further down through Europe, I was done touring and driving big and heavy bikes. I had some years with no bike but I missed the freedom and feel only a trip on a bike gives you, so I started looking for a 250 to fit my needs. However no 250 were found and my Intruder 800 was bougt 4 years ago. This spring the Nighthawk 250 suddenly appeared for sale and I was fast as a rattlesnake to get hold of this one! :-)
To get the bike insured, I found why my search for a 250 failed for so long. The Norwegian authority did not import the Honda 250. So this beauty of mine was imported from the US in 2007 by a company down south! One 51 year old owner, before the kid selling me the bike were phoned and with "a green light" I drove south 2000 km by car and trailer to pic it up! MY LUCKY DAY ! :-D
The Intruder, though it`s a very nice bike will be on its way! The Honda CB Nighthawk 250 is my choice!
I`ve found: It`s more fun to go fast on a slow bike than to go slow on a fast one. (But that`s my opinion.)
I wish all Nighthawkers beautiful and enjoyable rides.
All the best. Arild Troite
Add July 9, 2012
I am a fairly new rider- licensed only since 2005. Immediately following the Maryland safety/licensing course, I purchased a 2000 Nighthawk 750 from an airline pilot in Virginia. It had about 17,000 miles on it and I have added 15,000- mostly commuting to/from work (15 miles each way) or church (22 miles each way). In the past seven years, I have only lubricated the chain every 300 miles, changed oil every 3000 miles and replaced the battery once. The bike has been comfortable, dependable and delivers a constant 55 mpg.
I have added a sissy bar and bag, sportbike windshield, and handlebar-mount clock. The bag is large enough for water, keys, phone, wallet, books and a change of clothes and towel for the gym. The windshield was adjustable to match the angle profile of the bike, and the clock has become an essential.
I have ridden several other bikes, but only feel at home on my Nighthawk.
Scott Dallas
Jarrettsville, MD
Added May 23, 2012
Added May 23, 2012
Hi Paul,
Great site!
I wanted to spend some money on an original semi classic Honda, and after
checking out your site I decided to look for a Nighthawk. In Holland only
grey imports are available, except for the 1990 750's.
I saw an advert for a stock original Nighthawk 650, registered 1988 in my
country. I contacted the seller and after checking out the bike, I bought it
in excellent condition. I added a picture. Turns out this machine is a 1985
model, first registered in Canada october 1987 in Toronto.
It is an excellent drive and I really like it!
All the best from Holland.
Albert Hoorn
Added May 11, 2012
Hi Paul,
My name is Paramjit Raloowall.
I have always been a fan of motorcycle and in India I rode Yamaha 100 cc 2 stroke and then Royal Enfield 350 cc and when I got immigrated to Canada I lost the luxury to be with motorcycle but recently I acquired a Honda Nighthawk 550. It was just laying around in somebody's garage, I was not able to see how badly it was lying around and I could not stop myself asking how much it is if its for sale and the guy told me 800 dollars and I said 500 dollars and on the spot my dream came true.
It was instant love with the Nighthawk and I will never sell it in this life. I recently painted it with my hands and done some cosmetic touch-ups. Got tuned up from a mechanic, I am not mechanic myself but mechanically inclined.
So here are my Nighthawk's pictures. Please review them and if you think they are worthy enough please post them on your website. thanks for your help.
Added April 12, 2012
Hey Paul,
I am loving your website and seeing all the cool Honda Nighthawks. I'm getting great idea's for accessories and modifications just by reading other people's stories of their bikes. So thank you for putting this together and sharing.
I've wanted a motorcycle since I was a teenager. Three years ago I got my license and passed the MSF course. Still no bike.
Recently me and my son have been doing a little dirt bike riding on some small 125cc trail bikes. When I started looking for a bigger dirt bike for myself, I started poking around. Sure enough I started seeing these Honda Nighthawks on eBay and the memory of standing in the Honda showroom in the 80's and 90's came back to me.
$1750 later - I rented a van and picked up this baby. A 1998 Honda Nighthawk 750. It's in great shape. I'm the 3rd owner and there is just over 23,000 miles on the bike. Two days later, it passed the state inspection with flying colors. I think it looks pretty bad ass with the four pipes into the two exhausts and all the black engine parts. Not too shabby for a first street motorcycle. I'm thrilled.
I love how smooth and gentle you can ride this bike. Yet, when you turn the throttle, it really goes. A great combination of easy riding and fun. The sad part is that it's now early December in the Philly area so I'm sure my riding will be cut short by the winter weather. While it's not shown in this picture, I was lucky and found a guy wanting to get rid of a National Cycle Plexi 3 windshield. He wanted just $75 bucks, installed it for me and it's like new. Since that was the windshield I wanted anyway, I grabbed it. I'm fairly impressed how with a full face helmet, a snowboard jacket and some good Joe Rocket winter gloves - that I'm not that cold riding around in 38 degree weather.
Looks like I might be riding more than I thought this winter...
I couldn't be happier with the bike and I'm totally looking forward to exploring how far this Nighthawk can take me.
Dan B.
Langhorne, PA
Added April 12, 2012
Hello Paul,
I ran across the website some time back, lots of good info, great site. I'm sending a photo of my '92 750 taken in September during a trip to Colorado and back from my home in SE Indiana. I bought the bike second hand from my cousin two years ago. It is the most enjoyable road bike that I have ever owned and I have been riding since '54. It is completely stock and currently has 28K miles on the odo. As the years have gone by, I have found myself riding less and less. Buying this bike has rekindled my love of motorcycling and I can't stay off it.
Bill and Barb
SE Indiana
Added April 12, 2012
I really have enjoyed reading your webpage. Before kids, I owned several street bikes. When my wife got pregnant with our oldest, she "encouraged" me to get rid of the bike, which I did under the condition that, when the kids got older, I would get another. Fast forward 18 plus years and I couldn't wait to visit the showrooms and see what I've been missing. Imagine my disappointment when I quickly learned that the only new bikes available are (1) Harleys, (2) Harley Wanna Be's, and (3) Crotch Rockets. While I mean no disrespect to any of these styles, none of them appealed to me. Discouraged, I decided to buy an older used naked bike. After searching for several months, my 700s popped up for sale less than 10 miles from my house. Fell in love with it instantly and happily gave the seller his asking price of $1,500.00.
I spent 3 weeks shining and polishing the bike. Learned that although my bike is an '84, the tank and plastics are from an '86, as the Red White and Blue color was only offered that year. The chin spoiler is after market, but I think it makes the bike look real cool. A previous owner also installed a Mac 4-1 header, although I did get the stock exhaust with the bike. I bought it with 34,000 miles, and since August 2009, I've ridden it 2,500 trouble free miles. The only thing I've done is install a new front tire, change fluids, bleed the clutch - normal minor maintenance.
I'm planning a 5 day trip to Deal's Gap in May and will be meeting several other Nighthawk owners for that ride that I've gotten to know from all over the country. If this is something that interest you, send me an email and by all means, please join us.
Joseph "Joey"
Lafayette, LA
Added April 12, 2012
Hi Paul,
I'm a new rider. Picked up this 2002 Nighthawk 750 from a seller on Craigslist. 8666 miles. It was a nice find (as bike was stored in garage). After noticing a somewhat rocky idle, I checked maintenance records from previous owner (apparently, gas sat since last September). I drained the fuel and added Techron and new gas and it rides like a top. I was amazed at the almost immediate difference. I'll be looking to add a windshield, center stand, and luggage rack in near future. Last but not least, your site is Great!
New Hampshire
Added April 12, 2012
Hey Paul!
I know everyone says it but this site is great! This is my 1984 and a half CB450sc. I'm only 19 and this is my first (running) bike. She's not the cleanest thing around, but she drives like a dream! I don't want to make anyone mad, but I got her for only $400 bucks! From a guy who got scared off bikes forever by a deer. The bike had sat un-started since 1997 until I bought her last August as a late birthday present to myself. After hours and hours of trial and error with a bit of elbow grease, I brought her back to life. Clymer saved my life. I've seen a LOT of different bikes, but none grabbed my heart like Riley did. Hope to put many, many miles on her and to see you fellow Hawks out there on the roads!
-Ross, Woodstock, GA
Added April 12, 2012
Dear Paul,
When I was about five years old my dad used to put me on the seat in front of him on his 1964 Honda 250 Scrambler so we could ride the dirt road from our newly developed housing tract to the 7-11 store about two miles away. He sold that bike in 1967 and did not buy another until I was in my mid-teens. At that point we were riding dirt bikes - He had a 1972 Yamaha DT250 and I had a 1974 Honda Elsinore 125. We rode both desert and motocross tracks in Southern California until about 1979, when both bikes got sold. 33 years later I got a phone call from Dad, asking if I could join him to check out a used Honda streetbike. I had picked up riding again in about 2000, buying an Aprilia RSV 1000 and had rebuilt a basket-case 2007 Triumph Tiger 1050 in late 2011. When I arrived at the apointment with my father, a candy scorpio red 1985 Nighthawk 650 was waiting for us. The bike was purchased by the current (2nd) owner 16 years earlier and had 11K miles on it. It appeared to have been sitting in the corner of his garage for at least five years; The gas was rotten and he had burned up the starter trying to get it going. It was covered in garage and brake dust and the tires were shot, but I could see that underneath the dirty veneer was a great bike with unbelievably intact original paint. As we were looking at it, my dad confided that he had been looking for this bike for years and felt that he had finally found 'the one'. You have to understand how particular my father is to truly understand this statement. Did I also mention that he is also very careful with money? To say that he bought this bike right would be the understatement of the year. While my dad travelled the next month, I went through the bike from top to bottom and front to back. After cleaning the carbs and replacing the starter and battery the bike fired for the first time since he bought it. What a thrill. A quick carburetor balance, some fresh tires and new fluids and that bike had me laughing like a kid as I whisked along at 8,000 rpm. Who knew that a bike of this age could run like that? I delivered the bike to my father on March 7, 2012, about three weeks before his 73rd birthday. Here is a photo of my dad, Bill Hamburg, along with a hot lady he picked up with his new bike (also known as my mom, Loretta) the evening it was delivered. I'm pretty sure he liked it, as he immediately made plans to get his MC license. He e-mailed me a couple of days ago to let me know that he had passed his course and to also tell me that he had finally cracked the throttle a bit. We both had a good laugh at how fast the 650 is, even by today's standards.
Thanks for putting such a great site together. I had no appreciation for these bikes until I found it. May the Nighthawk 650's always be appreciated for the fine machines they are.
Southern California
Added April 12, 2012
Hey Paul,
I have been enjoying your Nighthawk page for about 2 years. This is my 1982 650 Nighthawk. I have had it for about 2 years. When I purchased her, she had 9500 miles on the clock and was in pristine condition. Just over a year ago, someone turned in front of me causing me to go down pretty hard. My injuries were not so bad, but I assumed that the bike was a write-off. To my surprise, she fared really well. I spent most of the next year chasing down parts on Ebay. Most of the parts were found eventually. With a really close look you may find evidence of the crash, but not much. As of Spring 2012, Nelly (my wife named her) and I are back on the road. I'm up to 11,300+ miles and adding often. Sometimes I feel a little sorry for those driving around me, 'cause I know they can't be having as much fun as I am. I have started motovlogging recently, and am having a great time with it and my fellow vloggers. You can find me on Youtube.
Cleveland, TN
Cleveland, TN
Added April 12, 2012
Hi Paul,
My name is Jeff and I live in Kingston, Ontario Canada. I own an 85 Nighthawk 750s. I rebuilt the engine and re-did the paint and decals on this bike myself, last summer (2010). I have a Supertrapp 4-1 exhaust, K&N filter, DynoJet kit and I have also preformed a cam timing mod that gives the bike more mid range pull. A very comfortable bike to ride and just enough pep to have fun.
Added May 19, 2011
Hello Mr. Paul. My name is Brian and live in Florida. This is my 1985 Nighthawk S, with about 32,000 miles. Got it about 7-8 years ago with 21,000 miles on it. I've looked a little and still haven't seen another nighthawk with this faring. If you know of anybody else who has one , let me know as I'd like to see a picture. It also has the Corbin seat that I had to repair a couple years ago--just the burgandy material part of the seat--it was all black. Did some wrench turning on it when I first got it and had to clean it up with a little paint. She's a pretty fine ride and I like it alot, even though it is the only bike I've ever owned.
Added April 4, 2011
Hi Paul, This is my CB650SC imported into Canada from U.S. It has jetted carbs, K&N filter and Kerker exhaust. I bought it late last summer and spent time on cosmetics such as a paint job, Emco viper headlight cowl and bar end mirrors.
Here is a dealer photo (left) and current pic of the bike (right).
Love my bike, love nighthawks!
Mike T.
Vancouver, BC
Added April 4th, 2011
Hi Paul,
Just a line to tell you about how my son and I made a project from a wrecked and dead 83 650 Nighthawk. We decided the best way to get my 16 year old son onto a bike was to have him build one and then learn to ride. This convoluted idea seemed to me a good way to introduce mechanical skills, respect for the machine and to give the boy an appreciation for the spirit of riding. We were successful in rebuilding the engine from a top end off the seized original and the bottom end from a scrapper we found on e-bay. He cleaned and sorted all the parts and worked each night on the reassembly. He also repainted the frame and body parts. He has learned to ride in parking areas and is now almost ready for his safety course. I hope to have him join me and my KZP and take some trips camping and exploring the state in the next year or so.
I think it is great to see the bike running and on the road again after years of sitting in the scrap heap of a garage and it is extra cool that this is a kid's first bike. I hope he will enjoy touring and relying on his mechanical abilities for years to come.
Thanks for a great website and a place for all of us Nighthawk fiends to converge.
(Note: Click on the photo to see more pictures of this restoration project.)
Added July 4th, 2009
Hey Paul, I ran across your site and thought this was the coolest page on the web! What you have done is awesome!
Attached is a pic of my baby....she is a '82 750 Nighthawk. She has been raked in 6 degrees at the neck and her swingarm has been extended 1 1/2 inches to keep the wheelbase close to stock and to get more weight on the front end to handle better. The whole front clip is from an 1100F for the better brakes and 17 inch wheel. It has undergone significant internal engine mods and now displaces over 900cc's. and puts 102 horses to the road at the rear tire. We have been to Deals Gap, Thunder On The Beach and are trying to plan a trip to Indianappolis for the GP race this year. God willing it will go well...if not we will try again next year.
I run an independent shop here in Alabama, so if I can help you or any of your compatriots with these wonderful old bikes, let me know
The Bike Shop
Sylacauga , AL.
Added May 13, 2009
Nice site! I purchased this '83 650 Nighthawk last summer based largely upon the content of this site. So, thanks for putting it together!
As you can see from the picture, it has a custom paint job that, in my opinion, really helps make the bike look as sporty as it rides. The previous owner did a nice job with the paint--I really like the muscle car stripes! Other than the paint job, this Nighthawk is mostly stock, with the exception of a National Cycle Deflector windshield, a re-covered seat, and some new mirrors. It has just under 21,000 miles on the odometer, and I'm hoping to put quite a few more on. It was in good mechanical condition when I bought it, but I've been going through and fixing a few things to make it as reliable as possible. I'm in the process of obtaining a Hondaline luggage rack/backrest to make strapping down payload a little easier and hopefully getting my wife interested in riding with me.
Overall, I'm quite pleased with the features this bike (which is older than I am) has to offer. I occasionally research new bikes to see what I might be interested in when the bank account allows, but I'm always disappointed by the exclusion of certain features that I appreciate now with the Nighthawk. I'm convinced that if I ever buy a new bike, I'll have to sacrifice something. Where else can you find a gear indicator, fuel level gauge, hydraulic clutch & valve lifters, 6 speed transmission, anti-dive front forks, center stand, and shaft drive--all in a reasonably priced, fast, and good-looking bike?
I've enjoyed seeing everyone's bikes! Thanks again for the site!
Amery, Wisconsin
Added May 10, 2009
Hi Paul,
I've really enjoyed your site and thought I would share my bike, a 2001 Nighthawk 750. It's pretty much stock other than I've added the windshield and had the seat redone. It had the sissy bar on it when I bought it, and I got the center stand from my Honda dealer. My wife and I rode it to Sturgis last year and we hope to do some more touring on it. It's also been my daily commuter bike for the last few years. So far it hasn't given me any trouble, about all I've had to do is change the tires and put a new chain on it. Too bad Honda doesn't make these bikes any more!
Windsor, Colorado
Added May 10, 2009
The following 700S Nighthawks are owned by a couple of guys named Gary and Michael. Gary bought his 700S in beautiful condition, but Michael's was neglected and trashed. Both men got together on the restoration project, and I'll let them tell the rest of the story.
First from Gary:
Hi Paul,
I remember in high school when Honda released the 84 700s. I fell instantly in love with its stylish looks and vowed to myself that one day I would own one. Well, 23 years later after college, work, wife, mortgage & kids . . . I finally got the chance to make that dream come true. I just happened to be in the right place at the right time when I came across this beauty you see in the picture.
I bought it in January 2007 from someone who loved Nighthawks as much as I do, which is evident by its condition. I just cannot believe that I finally own my dream bike. It is such an incredible and enjoyable bike to ride. I’ve cherished every mile that I have put on it since I bought it. I see heads turn everywhere I go on it. Too bad Honda doesn’t make these anymore . . . they’re a legend! Click here to see an enlarged view of Gary's 700S.
Michael sez:
This 84 700s has come a long way as you can see by the picture (see before and after pictures below). The bike was wrecked in 2003 by the previous owner and left sitting outside in the hot Florida sun until we discovered it. We bought it for $400 in February of 2006. This project was a combined restoration by Michael & Gary. Michael focused on the cosmetics while Gary handled all the mechanical. We found a wasp nest, cob webs etc all inside this bike. We got what parts needed replacing off of eBay and fixed what we could on our own. After a carb rebuild, new forks, gauges, gas tank, new rubber, factory emblems and a paint job, we ended up with a very impressive looking 84 700s by April of 2006. It was a total labor of love to resurrect this legendary bike from the grave andrestore it to its former glory. Oh, and by the way . . . it’s a ROCKET!!
Hi Paul,
Just wanted to drop you a line and let you know how much I enjoy browsing your website and learning more about the Nighthawk family. Here’s a pic of my ’83 650 I bought back in January. It’s actually my first “owned” motorcycle (I had friends that owned and let me ride until now). Right away I fell in love with this bike. I has just the right balance of power and handling capability. The only modification I have done since this pic was taken was to add a spitfire windshield (it’s small and unobtrusive, but needed since I drive the ‘hawk on my daily 30 mile each way commute). I would like to add a sissy bar because I keep trying to talk my wife into riding with me, but tracking one down has proven kinda difficult. I’m in the mountains of North Carolina, and this summer we’re planning on riding to the coast and hopping up the Outer Banks. Should be a great trip! Anyway, thanks for the great site!
Andy Greene
Lenoir, NC
Added August 6, 2007
Great site Paul.
This is a pic of my 1992 Honda Nighthawk 750 warming up on a cool morning just before a 5 day trip through Arkansas. I bought this bike about a year and a half ago for $1,200 with the intent of keeping it for a year or so while I saved enough money to buy something I really wanted. Well, as it turns out the Nighthawk is just about everything I need in a bike and it is here to stay (knock on wood). The bike already had highway pegs when I bought it and I added a steel braded brake line, other than that the bike is completely stock with about 29K miles.
Springfield, Missouri
Added August 6, 2007
You're my hero! LOL! Your site was the first one I went to after I saw my bike on the Craigslist and decided to seek information before going to see it the next morning. That photo you have on your site of the bike that made it to the Clymer's Manual was all it took to make the decision to buy this Nighthawk virtually sight unseen.
I've put 43 miles on her and have her cleaned up pretty well.
Tim Foley
Added August 6, 2007
Hey Paul,
This is my '83 550 Nighthawk. As you can see I cut off the the back rest. That's a custom seat I made myself. It was easy really. I stripped the old seat off. Removed the foam and cover. I then glued some rebond carpet padding on the base. Trimmed it and glued on a piece of soft black vinyl material. I bought a small amount from a fabric store. I like the low profile.
I also painted over the chrome front fender, and the pipes. Painted the tank and side covers. I think it has a good look.
It's a fun bike and it can get up and walk!
This bike cost me $400 dollars about ten years.. Not bad huh?
Dom K.
Middletown, NY
Added August 6, 2007
Thanks for putting the site together. I have a 1986 CB700SC that I bought in 1991 with 5683 miles on it. The original owner purchased it in March 1989 from Pasadena (TX) Honda. It had been in the crate for 3 years. They just couldn't sell it. I've always considered the 1984-1986 Nighthawk to be the perfect motorcycle. Shaft drive, oil cooled, anti-dive forks, hydraulic clutch actuator and hydraulic tappets on a compact frame. I purchased a new Honda Valkyrie Tourer in 1997 and it is a fantastic bike but the Nighthawk is my daily rider. If I had to sell one of them I would keep the Nighthawk. It now has 22,000 miles and is going strong. I've had to replace all 4 turn signal rubber mounts and the master and slave cylinder on the clutch actuator. Other than that it's just oil, filters, plugs and tires. I started riding at age 9 and received my license at 15. I've been riding ever since and here is a list of the motorcycles I have owned.
1971 Rupp Roadster (minibike)
1984 Kawasaki G4 (100cc)
1986 Honda CB200T
1986 Honda CB360T
1973 Kawasaki H1 (500cc)
1986 Honda Nighthawk
1973 Kawasaki H2 (750cc)
1997 Honda Valkyrie
Thanks again!
Dale in Houston
Added August 6, 2007
Hey Paul!
This is my first bike. For some reason while looking through the Cycle Shopper, the Nighthawk always grabbed my attention. Just something about it. I bought this bike from a motorcycle mechanic although I'm not sure how he got it. The manual lists a lady from Massachusetts. I drove two hours to look at it last May 7th and drove it home. (Happy 30th Birthday 2 me!) It had around 18,500 miles . I picked her up for $1700. Unfortunately someone left it out in the Florida sun. The tires were dry rotted, the paint on the plastic and fiberglass panels were faded pretty badly. The seat was torn from one end to the other. The turn signals, being plastic, cracked and were bending downwards. Also, the bike has been laid down. There are two small dents on the fuel tank, and scratches in some places, but nothing really noticeable. So far, I've recovered the seat, added driving lights, replaced the tires, replaced the spark plugs, changed the oil and the filter, and also the air filter. Not to mention cleaning and lubing to the best of my abilities. The bike still has "Nighthawk" hand painted on each side of the fuel tank. The bike had Hawks (Yes, actual birds although I'm not sure if there are actually any Hawks called Nighthawk) hand painted on each side panel, and "750" hand painted on the side of the rear end. Since the bike was left outside, those pieces were faded so I sanded and painted them over. I didn't want to, but had to. So far, it's been a blast and I have many ideas for upgrading and personalizing the bike.
Thanks for a great site Paul!
Added August 6, 2007
Hello Paul,
My name's Murrel Hastings from Kennedale, Texas. I own an '82 Honda CB650SC Nighthawk. I won this bike on eBay and absolutely love it! I have two more motors for it sitting in my back yard. I'm rebuilding one of them for the bike itself, polishing it up and what not; the other motor I am putting in a go-kart, and the one that is on the bike right now is going into a honda shadow frame... making a custom chopper. I love every detail about this bike and plan on also rebuilding and repainting the frame when I have the other motor finished. I think it will be a sweet ride when it's all said and done. The enclosed picture is not the best, but it will do.
Added August 6, 2007
Hi Paul, My name is Ronnie MacDonald from Halifax, Nova Scotia. I bought my 2002 750 Nighthawk in September of 2006 from a dealer in Canada who brings in bikes bought in insurance auctions in the USA. Nighthawks have not been available in Canada for years so there are not too many newer ones up here. Even the Honda dealer didn't believe I had a 2002 750 Nighthawk. The bike was dropped before I got it and it has a few dents and scratches but looks and drives great, it only had 6800 miles on it when I bought it. I have since added a small windshield that makes a big difference on the highway. I had a 1982 450 Nighthawk back in highschool and loved it. Since then I have driven many other bikes, Sport bikes that are terribly uncomfortable and not practical and Harley's that are too loud and rough for me. The Nighthawk is somewhere in the middle. I also have the stock backrest that I modified for easy installation. I am also considering a Corbin seat if I can find one used. Does anyone know of any other seat options for this bike ?
Added August 6, 2007
Hi Paul, Nice to see I'm not the only nut in the toolbox! I've had 14 bikes in my time (from 1969 to present) unfortunately I didn't take pictures of them all; if I was double jointed, I'd bite myself you know just where! First bike was 1968 Suzuki 250 Hustler; what a great machine that was,,, there's been a few in between, everything from Triumph Trophy to CZ360 motocross... But I have to say, that this 750S Nighthawk is what I was gaga's over back when it first came out in '84; couldn't afford it then,,, (a two year and a four year old,,, playing havoc with my paycheck) I'm 58 now,,, the girls are out of the house, got a new wife who loves to ride,,, and the bike of my dreams (which was actually red),,, who can ask for more!?! She has 54M kms on her, that's the bike not the wife, {she's got more, but also in great shape!} runs great, needs some TLC (like the wife). My life long buddy, (also 58) has one too (but he's actually a Beemer bum= '98 RS1100) bought the Nighthawk (blue) for a song, 2M$ with 32M kms on it. Looks like it just came out of the crate. We just bought another together for parts, 300$ with 22M kms on it but a blown engine. The guy who had it just gave it up after that, can you imagine! Anyway, great for me,,, it's RED! with the only thing on the gastank being DUST!
Fred Montreal, Quebec Canada
Added August 6, 2007
Hey Paul,
Fantastic Site! I've been checking out your Pages for a number of years now, waiting for the day I could post my own bike with you. I once owned an 83 Nighthawk 550 in Candy Apple Red, just like yours, but sold it to go to school. I'm now one of those pushing 40 folks that are feeling the need for "two" wheels again. My day has finally come. Here is a shot of my 84 Nighthawk S (750). I picked it up a week ago and haven't had much time to tinker with it. The grips have to go! It has 62 grand on it but it runs real smooth. It came with Cobra F1 slip-ons and a Stage 2 jet kit. It needs a new front tire but overall a solid bike. It's great to be back.
Perry Bennett
St. Anthony, Newfoundland, Canada
Added August 6, 2007
Dear Paul,
Here is a picture and the story of my Nighthawk 550 that a got this past December ('06). After taking the MSF course & recieving my motorcycle classification on my license in November of '06, I couldn't wait to get my first bike. I did not have the funds to purchase a bike though, including a used one. I did have a Ford Ranger P/U truck that I wanted to get rid of though. After searching & searching online, I found an individual about 25 miles from me in St. Charles, Missouri that was looking to trade this here bike for a truck. After talking back & fourth, meeting him & riding his bike while he drove my truck, we agreed to do an even swap. I have done some work since than on the bike, including replacing the front & rear right hand side turn signal stems, replacing the right side mirror, replacing the battery, stator & battery cables, it now runs good. It still needs new tires as they have plenty of thread on them but is beginning to dry-rot. The bike had 13,350 original miles when I got it. It now has 13,800 miles on it. Once I get the money I hope to recover the seat, do an oil change, air filter, new tires & have a general inspection done on the bike. Also plan to get a new battery side cover as it has got a crack & repair a dent in the tank. There is very little sun fading on the bike, and other than need a good detail & wax job, it should look like new. Haven't done much to it though as I don't have the money. This bike is my pride & joy though and I love it. Can't get enough of riding it. Perfect power for me, good handling, just an all around great cruiser. Since I'm 23, have some health problems including pernament back damage along with had a spinal implant (rods) & fusion done, and that I am new to riding, this bike is excellent for me. I couldn't have asked for a smoother bike for me to get. After owning this Nighthawk I have done alot of reading on them, and I am a true Nighthawk fan myself.
Thanks for such a good site,
Tim - Granite City, IL
Added August 6, 2007
Hi Paul,
I've been reading your site with great interest.
I just got my 1986 700S that has 16K miles and is in beautiful (close to perfect) shape. I ride it every chance I get. Somebody dropped it sometime in its history, but she's still pretty.
Great website! I'm learning a lot!!
Added August 6, 2007
Hello Paul, my Name is Andreas Staedler from Germany. I live near Ulm and since september 2006 I´m a proud owner of this Honda CB 750 Nighthawk. The bike was build in 1/1991. The first registration was 1995 in Camden, Ar.(USA). After this it was imported in 1996/1997 to Germany. It has about 18.000 miles. And I love to ride it. Best Regards to all Honda Nighthawk Owner!
Added October 16, 2006
I have a 1984 Honda Nighthawk 750 S, (Canadian) in fabulous condition. It has 45,300 Km, or 28,312 miles. and has been meticulously cared for. I have attached a pic for the gallery. It is my first bike. My hubby gave it to me for my 38th B-day.
Added October 9, 2005
Greetings from Philadelphia to all our single-track family worldwide! Thanks for putting up this site! I’ve been missing a place to share ideas on the Nighthawk since RandyO’s page went off web. After riding a VF500 Interceptor and a 1983 CB650 (same burgundy color as yours) I had been on an unwanted hiatus since 1989. But the itch to ride never left and after a few years of creams and salves, the itch has been scratched!
I am including a photo of my 1993 750 Nighthawk. I found her on ebay in Chicago with less than 4000 miles on it. Took a bus out and rode her home so 400 miles was my re-inaugural trip after 14 years. Currently have about 15,000 miles on the odometer. Only stock maintenance at this point but some performance oriented mods are in the future. For gear she sports a Nelson-Rigg Tail Pack which doubles as a nice backrest when you are solo. A set of BikeMaster soft saddlebags, which expand to hold a full face helmet on each side, are the order of the day for those long trips two-up. I use Velcro straps to hold them on without marring the paint.
The modifications up until now have been minor and comfort oriented: a pair of nice grips meant for a PWC, a Throttle Rocker (I used to commute to work 240 miles one way weekly). For a windscreen I have a National Cycle F15 which provides adequate protection until you hit the 80 mph range where pressure from underneath the screen pushes upwards. It is too thin and flexes even at low speeds, so I utilized the supports from a broken Plexifairing 3 to add a bit of structural backing, with no-slip pads on the hard plastic ends (Wonder if the Targa Tsunami addresses the wind pressure issue?). For the fall I have purchased a National Cycle Plexifairing GT – a nice updating of the Plexi3.
I would welcome any suggestions on slightly bigger tires or any other performance mods are concerned. As you can see from the photo, the rear turnsignals are from a CBR600 F3. I am planning to add the front signals to match and am considering clear lenses, LEDs and a Run/Turn/Brake setup on the rear. Last but not least, I was wondering if anyone has seen a clear lens LED brake light solution for this bike. The goal is here is see and be seen along with a bit of an updating on the style.
Thanks again to you and the folks who have sent in pix and ideas!
Philadelphia, PA USA
Added October 9, 2005
Hello Paul!!
This is my 1984 Honda NIghthawk 750SC that I bought July 2005. I live in Montréal, Canadá. She only have 42.000 Km.
Dario, Montreal
Added October 9, 2005
Paul, here is my new 1986 Nighthawk 450. Since my last e-mail I have added a National Cycle Plexifairing 3 to it the difference is quite something. I guess my body isn't as streamlined as it used to be. A friend also gave me a pair of leather saddle bags and now I am ready to travel.
I used to have a 1985 Honda 250cc Elite scooter. It was a grand machine and I used it to tour a lot. My longest trip was about 3000 miles going from Creston here, to Portland Oregon then the Oregon coast and back through Nevada. So I reckon that a 450 will do just as well. My first gas range test gave me about 150 miles, which is fine and about 50 mpg, (imperial gallons that is).
Colin Ford
Creston B.C.
Added October 9, 2005
This is a picture of my 1983 CB650SC Nighthawk. She was sitting out in front of someone's house with a "For Sale" sign on the route I drive to work every day. Although the bike is 22 years old, it had only one owner since 1985. The Nighthawk was my dream bike from my childhood years and I was in the market for a bike anyway......so, I bought it. I spent a weekend on cleaning, polishing, and maintenance. I changed the plugs, air filter, and engine oil, and used "Sea Foam" in about 4 tanks of gas. She runs great and the styling stands up to any of the current bikes in its class. The Nighthawk is a timeless classic and I'm thrilled to finally own one!
Robert "BJ" Allen
Added October 9, 2005
Hey, check out these before and after pictures of a Canadian-made 750SC that was tricked out. Belongs to Daniel Brown from Montreal.
Added October 9, 2005
Hello Paul,
Thank you very much for this wonderful site! When I recently started seriously looking for a motorcycle, I was trying to make up my mind for a Honda Nighthawk. The decision only became easier when I went through this site, and saw such a loyal band of Nighthawk fans!
I just bought my 1993 Honda Nighthawk 750! Before this bike, I had driven only smaller and lighter motorcycles; the weight and power of the Nighthawk initially scared me. But it took only one test ride to get sold on this great bike! I think, for me, it has the perfect balance of power, balance and control. With its comfortable, upright riding position, this makes a great commuter bike and I love riding it to work.
Good luck, and keep up the good work!
Himanshu Parida
San Jose, CA
Added October 9, 2005
We live in Florida and love your website!!!
1985 Honda Nighthawk 650, purchased Aug 15th, 2005.
Patrick Gannon
Added October 9, 2005
Attached are photos of my 1983 Nighthawk 650. I believe I'm the third owner of this bike which now has 37,500 miles. It runs great. My only issue is a weak starter system which requires me to charge the battery every couple of months. I wanted the bike because I've always loved the inline 4's from Honda, Suzuki and Kawasaki. I found this bike in great shape for little money. I've done some black powder coating on some engine parts and some silver on the seat rails. The paint and everything else I believe is original. Well, add this to your site if it meets your standards. I enjoy your site.
Clay Walker
North Palm Beach, Florida
Added October 9, 2005
I bought my 1986 Nighthawk 450 a month ago, and it's my very first bike. Until I bought it, I had never ridden a bike in my life. It was my 40th birthday and I felt like I needed to do SOMETHING, and had been thinking about a bike for a while. A guy in town had it for sale, and we went to look at it and bought it right then and there. It had about 8500 miles on it and is in really good condition. I learned to drive it by riding around my yard for a couple of weeks (we have three acres) and eventually I ventured out onto the roads. I live in a rural area so there is no traffic to speak of. A couple of weeks ago I completed the MSF safety course and got my permit, and I've been riding it daily ever since. It's great for getting to work (15 miles one way), especially with gas prices as they are. It's comfortable to ride, handles well, and runs like a champ. I've gotten lots of compliments from guys at work on what a nice looking bike it is, and most of them ride Harleys.
This other pic was taken a few days after I bought it. There are inspection stickers on the fork that I've since taken off. I scrubbed a lot of surface rust off with some steel wool, replaced the shift lever and speedometer cable. It could use some new tires, and I'm currently windshield shopping. Even if I graduate to a bigger, newer bike, I'll always love this one because it was my first!
Added October 9, 2005
Brian 2000 Honda Nighthawk 750
Added October 9, 2005
Love your site! I've been interested in Hagon shocks and a front fender extender for my blue '93 NH750 and noticed Kurt Jensen (Eugene, OR, Added April 11, 2005) has those mods.
I bought my Candy Tahitian Blue '93 NH750 in Elkhart, IN, September 16, 2002 from the second owner. It had 11,000 miles and I've run it to 25,500 since then with one blown turn signal filament and no other repairs! I've added National Cycle Sportshield EX, Visipath Headlight Modulator, Priority Lites Plus rear running lights/strobe, Vista Cruise, Throttle Rocker, SlipStreamer radar detector mount, sigma 800 bicycle computer, and carb needle shims. I attempted Hodge mod to mufflers but could not remove right side (carbon &/or corrosion?) so didn't. Added new Bridgestone BT045(H) f & r, Deka ETX15 battery and NGK DPR8EA-9 plugs last year. I love the bike! Every time I think about something different I find something wrong with the move. I suppose the SV650 would be a logical replacement but I got an absurdly high insurance quote (I'm 53 with 11 years ticket- and claim-free!) and came right back to reality.
I'd still want to add Race Tech cartridge emulators & springs, Hagon shocks, factory luggage rack/sissy bar and the Fenda Extenda if one exists. The chain and sprockets still have lots of life left.
Norm Chadwick
South Bend, IN
Added October 9, 2005
Hello Paul,
First of all! Your site looks great. My name is Henk and I'm from the Netherlands (Friesland). I've bought my Nighthawk 750 (1983)just a week ago. It drives really superb. Thanks for making such a wonderfull site about this special Honda. Keep up the good work and drive carefully.
H. van der Zee
The Netherlands
Added October 9, 2005
This is my '82 Nighthawk 650. I bought her 2 weeks ago and it's been a blast since. It's got about 12,000 miles on it and essentially all stock parts. It's sweet to ride a bike that always gets complements and often gets mistaken for being brand new. This bike gets a lot of good looks, which I think is partly due to the rarely seen stock 4-into-4 exhaust and the matching blue frame.
I had been trying to fix up a '79 Suzuki GS850G but bagged that project at the chance to buy this thing. It's strange riding a bike that's 3 years older than I, but it kicks in and outperforms some modern sports bikes, not to mention the 43 mpg it gets! Great for the college budget.
Truly a fun bike. Keep up the awesome work on the site. The info on the models are invaluable when I'm away from or too lazy to find my shop manual.
Jeff Stein
Seattle, WA
Added October 9, 2005
Wonderful site! I first fell in love with the Nighthawks in 1991 when an army aquaintence was being shipped out to Korea. I bought her 1984 450 for $1900 & foolishly sold it about 18 months later. A couple of years ago, my brother got married and his wife had this pathetic looking 1982 Nighthawk 450 in the garage. It sat in storage from 1996 until just this last March when she got tired of me asking her to repair it. She just gave it to me.
Anyway, since it hadn't been properly stored, and still had all the fluids from 1996 in it, I knew my work was cut out for me. I decided to skip the work and let a pro do it. I had to have the carb rebuilt, master cylinder rebuilt, gas tank, line & filter cleaned, oil & oil filter replaced, 2 new tires and a couple of o-rings. It cost me just under $500 for all that. I've been out riding almost every day since I got it back from the shop. It had 12,350 miles on it on July 8th, but now has just over 13,000.
I love these gems.
Added October 9, 2005
My name is Joe and here is a picture of my 1983 Nighthawk 550. I live in Brantford, Ontario, Canada. This is my first bike and it has been a blast to ride. This cruiser only has 21k and rides smooth. I bought this bike from its 2nd owner who only had it for a year, so its been in the original owners (lady) hands for 21 years. It is in very good condition for its age. Maybe after a year or two of this bike it may get handed down to my wife, who now wants to ride, and i'll go after a V45 Magna..
Paul, great site!
Added October 9, 2005
I did a lot of research before buying this one. Here's my ’02 750 I bought brand new in Jan ‘02. I rode it for some time, then my (ex) wife used it, then my son. When he dropped it he decided he didn’t want to ride for a while. Most of the damage had been either repaired or replaced. Its just short of 18000 miles and on it’s second rear and original front. The chain is original as well; I keep it that way by (usually) waxing it every time I fill up. Now that I’ve taken to riding it again; I’m holding out on the front tire as long as possible as I want to replace both at the same time with a set of Avons. I’m something of a tinkerer (?) and I’m looking at some other mods for the bike. I’m convinced there’s a (relatively) easy way to get a second disc up front. I’d also like to replace the suspension.
She’s only let me down once, when the battery died with no prior indications. Other that that all I’ve done is replace the plugs and change the oil. I found that CarQuest down here sells and automotive oil filter made by Wix that fits a lot of the Hondas. According to tests I’ve seen, Wix makes some of the best filters and it’s cheaper than the OEM Honda part. The GL1500 uses the same filter and my brother swears by them on his GoldWing (85K miles).
Since the accident, I’ve done a few things; a mild “Hodge mod” to the exhaust and installed a Honda back rest/luggage rack. I plan to shim the carbs soon and replace the countershaft sprocket with a 16t. I keep watching eBay for a set of case guards and after I sell my ST, I’m looking at a set of hard bags for it.
I’m keeping the Nighthawk as I think it’ll be a better around town and commuter bike than the ST. I’m also hoping to bring my ’81 Kawasaki 440. I got it for the kids to learn on and after they moved on it sat for a while. I started cleaning it up then found some sites online with info on it, and that inspired me to keep it and start modifying it.
Thanks for keeping a great site.
Wayne Gaskins
Added October 9, 2005
Hi Paul
My name is Adam Breen and I,am from New Glasgow ,Nova Scotia and here is a photo of my 1984 Honda CB 550 SC Nighthawk. I purchased this bike from an old high school friend. I just received my bike license this past June . I had the seat redone and cleaned it all up and have been driving it as much as I can ,witch is just about everyday. My 8 year old daughter already wants to borrow it, and says she would like to have it when she is old enough to get her license.
Adam Breen
Nova Scotia, Canada
Added July 27, 2005
Hi Paul -
I am the proud, original owner of this 1983 CB650SC. After 22 years it's still as much a kick for me to look at as to ride. For the first 8 years it had been garaged but following that it hasn't had the benefit of indoor storage so it's a constant battle to keep rust and the elements at bay.
Living in New York City, it's also a challenge to escape the gravitational pull of traffic, construction and endless delays to make it out to a country road. That combined with my wife who doesn't share my enthusiasm for riding accounts for only having 17,000 miles on the bike.
Modifications include cruise control, Corbin seat, after-market shocks and grips. Rides like dream - maneuverable, fast and responsive as day one. We Nighthawk owners are lucky to have gotten theses great machines for the brief time they were available.
Other than my Gibson 335 guitar there's nothing I own that gives me as much pride and is able to clear my mind - and literally and figuratively take me to another place.
- Ken
Added July 26, 2005
Hey Paul,
This is my first bike, ever. It is a 1983 Deep Blue 650 Nighthawk, though you can’t tell that it’s Deep Blue unless the sun is out and you are closer than 20 ft away. I am possibly the youngest owner of a Nighthawk, as I am 19.
When I bought the bike it looked different than it does now. When I got it, it had a rug for a seat cover, a balding rear tire, no front brakes, a rear rack and light tan saddle bags that had Ken’s S**** burned into the sides. The first thing I did was order a proper seat cover, the rug was not only uncomfortable but was not a good idea to have in the rainy climate of the northwest, and get front brakes and calipers. Then I promptly removed the saddle bags and rear rack, since I use a backpack to haul stuff around with me and am not named Ken and try not to use profanities. I also repositioned the wind screen to a more efficient position. Then I went in search of new tires. I settled on a pair of Maxxis Classics, wonderful tires for this bike, and went for the white wall option. I have heard both good and bad comments on the white walls but I like them.
Now all that is left to do is replace the front shock seals and find a replacement for the mufflers, as they are rusting through at the silencers.
All in all this is a well handling and performing bike. I have yet to twist open the throttle all the way, since before I can get there I have broken all possible speed limits in the United States, and thats first gear… It also gets great gas mileage, around 40 mpg, a plus for a college kid.
Thanks for the great site,
Vancouver, WA
Added July 26, 2005
Hi Paul,
I have just acquired a 1982 Nighthawk 650 and thought I should drop you a line to say thanks for maintaining your website. I didn't get much in the way of documentation with the bike so I have found your page and the related links to be a great help.
Although the bike is in pretty good shape, I was able to buy it at a pretty good price because it has all of the typical symptoms of age described on your site and elsewhere. The top end is leaking oil and the forks seals are gone. The cam chain is rattling a bit at bit at idle and the brakes need some attention. I was hoping to get through the season and do an overhaul next winter but it is too embarrassing to park a leaky bike with all those shiny new ones at work. I ordered the needed parts through Parts Fish about a week ago.
I have not done a compression check yet but am hoping that I can get away with just doing the camshaft cover seals at this time, thinking that if I have to pop the head off I might as well keep going and do the cam chain and tensioner. A friend of mine is a Harley mechanic. He suggested that is was possible to split the cam chain and use a link to avoid having to split the crankcase.
Ottawa, Ontario
Added July 26, 2005
Hello Paul,
I am a 25 year old man that owns a honda cbx 650 nighthawk from 1985. I am a student from Holland that is riding the bike for 5 years now. I really like your site. Have never seen it before.
I finding the bike really confortable for a good spin around. In the [past] five years there where some problem but it is functioning very good now. The only thing that a would like to replace is the exhaust system.
I will send you my picture's with this email. Good for your site.
I hope you will have some nice time with your bike!
Best regards,
Doetinchem in Holland
Added July 26, 2005
Hey Paul, what a great site!
I just traded a nice guy in Reno my Husqvarna for this 1983 650. As someone who has rebuilt many bikes before, I of course did a-lot of research about the nighthawk, in particuliar the 83-85 and this is in thanks to your site, I could not wait to turn my 83 into an even better looking machine than it already is. I'm a firm believer that the more you look at OEM engineering and style of theses machines, not to mention the fun factor that even in 83, keep theses bikes a treasure for so many of us. This is how it looks, which is great for 42,000 miles. It was cared for and runs great, but I'll still freshen up everything and send another pic.
Really great to see everyone's bikes on you site.
Thanks Paul!
Added July 26, 2005
I bought this 1992 Nighthawk 750 a few months ago. It had just over 7,000 miles on it when I got it. The only aftermarket items it has are a Supertrapp muffler, corbin seat, Uni air filter, and windscreen. This is my first motorcycle and I love it. It is a blast to ride.
Added July 26, 2005
Great job! Nice to find a web site devoted to the bike I just picked up!
I didn't start riding until age 45. After 8 months I came upon this beauty - a '99 with only 8K miles on her. Already equipped with Targa fairing (love it!), sissy bar, crash bars, and center stand. I just added the saddlebags last week. (Found them at my favorite eBay Store - Jafrum.)
I think the 750 NH is the perfect size, style, and power for me... still a rookie, trying to be safe - but also feel like she has the torque to take me where I need to be quickly. I think she'll be my bike for a long time to come. I thought I was sold on the cruisers - until I test drove the Nighthawk. It would be a thrill if Honda decided to re- open a production line for this model! I think it has an awful lot to offer!
The attached pic is from my neck of the woods - western New York state.
All the best to you and fellow Nighthawkers!
Victor, New York
Added July 26, 2005
Hi Paul,
Well I'm 39 years old and live in Dordrecht The Netherlands. I had a '84 CB700 that got crashed by a senior citizen in 1993. I haven't ridden a bike since. Mainly because I needed a car more.
Last year friends of mine arranged a old Suzuki DR400 so I could start riding a bike again. I always liked the Nighthawks and I kept on looking on the internet for one. In january this year, I saw an add for an Canadian specs CB750SC with only 29.000 miles on the clock for € 800,-
A week later he dropped the price to € 750,- (about US$ 946,-) so I went to look at it. It didn't need much work. Mainly a new front tyre, new oil and brake fluid. So there it is. The guy even gave me a workshop manual on cd-rom and the original toolset! I'm very pleased with it.
Greetings to all NH riders,
Added June 11, 2005
Pitcure of myself and the 1997 Nighthawk 750 I purchased from one a co-worker. The bike has 3,685 miles. I'm a true fan of the Nighthawk motorcycle. Last year I had a 1982 Nighthawk 450 that I had restored and was going to send you a pitcure of, but I sold it to a guy who's dad wanted to get back into motorcycling after 40 years and didn't want a very large bike.
Take care!
Added June 11, 2005
Hey Paul,
Great web page. My name is Steven and I own a 1993 nighthawk 750. I got her from Brooklyn, New York, as most of the world knows, the center of everything shady, or dishonest. I saw a gem underneath a cosmetic nightmare. It was February, and it was freezing outside. I was inspecting this nondescript blue bike that had been left outside, totally unprotected, on the city street for 3 years. It had no title, no plates, not even an expired registration. The first thing the guy says to me is "Yea, it done work" I'm thinking to myself...wonderful. On the plus side, this is the worst this bike will ever be.
Just to Note: I had been in a car accident a few weeks prior and my car was totalled. The person never stopped so needless to say I ate 100% of the loss. I am a broke civil engineering student/apprentice who was now in the market for an inexpensive bike. I did the sportbike thing twice already and, honestly speaking, I'm 26 years old now and have many reasons to live. I'm not that crazy 18 year old anymore. (Though that's tough to swallow.) So I wanted something that wasn't designed around 'speed.'
The nighthawk was the fourth bike I looked at, and this bike was drastically different than the others in that it was not pretty. The other bikes I looked at were polished and shiny and were the best they would ever be. This nighthawk just subconsciously won me over, kinda like the puppies at the pet store. Dirty, stiff-legged, unhappy, and underappreciated. Just aching for the opportuninty of another chance, a chance for life, a chance for new memories, a chance to run in the wind again. So I bought her for $1500.
I had alot to straighten out legally with the bike. Turns out it only had one owner, a woman, whom I actually met reguarding the title. But one owner! An older woman!...sweet!. Then some basic parts were replaced: brake pads/shoes, all fluids, friction plates, couple of gaskets, couple of brackets, tires, a few bolts. I did alot of research and put in some much needed TLC. Everyone who sees it now thinks it is brand new. I cannot convince them the bike is 12+ years old.
Is it possible to love a machine? Everyday I see her gleaming and hear her start and the first 100 feet I ride... just gives me that "Kool-Aid Grin"
Added June 11, 2005
First of all, your web site is great. Neat to see how the Nighthawks have in some ways changed and in others have not. Have bounced around the site and have found many helpful items. Now to my bike. Purchased this 1991 Nighthawk750 back in April 2005 at first as a way to save money due to gas mileage of my 4x4 truck. I was getting ready to buy a new bike that was not a name brand when a friend told me about this bike. It had 25900 miles on it, had just recently had new tires put on the front and back, and also had about 500 miles on a brand new chain and sprocket. The rear carrier came with it also. I ended up getting the bike for 1,100 dollars! Since it had been 25 to 30 years since riding a bike and never over a 250 cc, I wondered how long it would take me to become comfortable riding again. I found out quickly what a great handling bike the Nighthawk was. It has as much power as my big frame needs but also handles much like the smaller bikes I used to ride. I had forgotten how much fun it was to ride the back roads around home. Hard to believe but I look forward to going to work now that I use this as my work vehicle. Look forward to taking some rides with friends in the future. Once again, keep up the great job on this site. The information has been a great help and will be a great help in the future.
Kingsport, Tennessee
Added June 10, 2005
Here is my Nighthawk 700S I got it in February 2005 It has 12.000 miles on it.I have been wanting a Nighthawk for years. And found the perfect one right around corner from were I live. This bike runs Great and rides great. I live in Lexington, Ky.
Added June 10, 2005
Excellent web site. Thank you very much!
Here's my 1992 CB750 Nighthawk. I purchased this bike in May of 2004 for only $1800. It had only 8900 miles on her! Originally, this bike was a rust/red color. I painted it myself. Current mods are a 4 into 1 exhaust by Vance & Hines, jet kit, K&N air filter, mini turn signals, Progressive 12 series shocks. Fairing by Targa is next along with a new set of Dunlop D205's on polished rims. What a great bike!
Fredericksburg, VA
Added June 10, 2005
Hi there Paul,
First and foremost....you have a very interesting site...I've really enjoyed it!
Now, nevermind all those brothers from everywhere...lol....here's a sister sending you a pic.
This is my BABY...trust me...when I say "BABY"...it gets washed or rinsed and polished after every ride...my husband complains that it is cleaner than the house!
I bought this 1983 450SC last year for 500$ when I decided to take up riding again after having raised two beautiful children. My youngest, my son who is 17 loves the bike almost as much as me. The bike was in excellent condition when I got it, with only 21,000 km on it. It now has 43,000 KM....(in 1 season). This past winter for a winter project I totally rebuilt her from one end to the other....changing cables, wiring, shocks, brakes, starter, chain...etc...you get the picture...and I did it myself...even repainted her myself...(and by the way for those out there who want to repaint their bikes themselves...learn from me.....USE A PAINT FOR CAR ENGINES...it isn't affected by gas or oil) I learnt the hard way....redoing the paint job on the tank five times before coming up with my own solution...auto parts guys were no help...or they saw me coming and sold me just about anything!
Anyway I think she looks great and I absolutely love her...she may be small to some....but don't be fooled...she's got guts...180km/hr and she's only at 7000 rpm....she red lines at 9250 rpm. Excellent bike.
Keep up the good work on your site....I shall pass the word around...
Added May 20, 2005
Hello Paul! Here are a couple pictures of my cb 650 Nighthawk. I've done some changes like new windshield, silver rims, and crome mirrors. It's a great bike! I do all my own work. This bike was trash when I first got it. I cleaned the carbs, spray painted it red (it was blue), put new decals on it. I'm trying to get a picture of the bike from the PO so I can have a before and after picture. I rushed into fixing and cleaning it up and forgot to take a before picture of it.
St. John's Newfoundland
Added April 12, 2005
I am attaching a couple of pics of my 1983 650 NightHawk. I repainted it last year. It has a new seat windshield pegs grips tires. Other than that it is pretty much stock. It has 58K miles on it and it runs very well.
Pleasant View Utah
Added April 11, 2005
Hey Paul,
Thanks for the great site! Ever since Randy O's site disappeared, I've been hungry for Nighthawk stories. I've attached a jpg of my '95 Nighthawk 750 that I bought used in early 2001 on ebay with only 2500 miles on it for $3200. The bike was in New Hampshire, and I live in Oregon, so in June of that year, I went east and rode it home. I've put about 20,000 on it since then. As you can see, I've added a Givi rack, and I've got 3 hard bags for it. Also obvious is the Corbin seat, and the front fender extender. The bike has Progressive front fork springs and Hagon rear shocks. I've also got a Scottoiler installed on this bike, as well as a larger oil cooler from a European 750. I put dual Fiamm horns on it, as well as a handlebar mounted "off" switch for the horns. The horn button bumps into the tank bag I use so I installed this switch to keep from irritating fellow campers or other guests in motels when I'm leaving early. The bike has a headlight modulator, a flasher unit for the rear that flashes the brake light and turn indicators when I brake. I've installed a stainless steel front brake line, after-market brake pads, and an EBC disk rotor. The bike has Uni air filters, shimmed carb needles and a mild Hodge Mod on the stock mufflers. I've gone up one tooth on the countershaft sprocket, and down two on the rear sprocket. I've got heated grips on the bike, a plug for a Widder heated vest, and two different windscreens, a National Cycle fly screen and a Plexifaring 3, either of which is on or off in minutes. Cosmetic changes are mostly painting things black, like the wheels and the exhaust, the countershaft sprocket cover, case savers, and front headlight. I really don't care for chrome. I do all the work on the bike. I like the NH a lot and would change only very few things. I'd love an extra gallon and a half of fuel, and maybe an extra 15 hp. Perhaps a more modern, linkage rear suspension. Thanks again for the site and I'd love to see my bike added to the collection.
Eugene, OR
Added April 11, 2005
Firstly, what a great Nighthawk site!
I have owned this 1984 650SC Nighthawk for 16 years. It was almost 5 years old and had 5,000 miles on the clock when I bought it in 1989. It has been such a good bike that despite the fact that I have owned several other bikes during the last 16 years, this one is such a useful and sweet bike I have always hung on to it. I used to ride it about 1,500 miles each year, but lately it only gets ridden a few hundred miles each year. It has been pampered and maintained regardless of cost and is in mint condition and I have nothing but praise for the model. I hope everyone out there enjoys their Nighthawk as much as I do.
Added April 11, 2005
Here's a picture of my 700S. Over the winter I blacked out all the panels and got smaller turn signals. I'm a college student, and needed some transportation over the summer, and I found this Nighthawk for $900. It wasn't in the best condition when I got it, but a few weekends in the backyard wrenching and everything's in good working order. I really like it because it's comfortable for long rides home from school, about 200 miles, and fast enough to keep up with my friends on sportbikes.
Troy NY/Durham NH
Added April 11, 2005
I bought this bike, an '84 Nighthawk 650, as a Christmas present for my Dad. It was in decent overall condition with 23,000 miles but was making some cam chain noise due to a worn tensioner. Other than that, it was mechanically sound.
After doing some research I found this was a fairly common problem with these bikes. I considered replacing the tensioner myself but time didn't allow. So, first step, I took it to a shop, had the cam chain tensioner replaced and now it sounds like new (no more dreaded cam chain rattle). Second step: the aluminum trim and fork legs had corrosion on them so I pulled all the trim off and polished it, also the fork legs. Thirdly, the bike's original red paint was a bit faded and there were a couple of good size dents in the tank, one of the fastening pegs on the right side panel was broken off, and there were some cracks in the tail section. I pulled off the tank and all bodywork, repaired the dents and cracks, and repainted all the pieces in 2 stage Imron. I then applied a new factory decal set and put an additional clear coat over them. Next, the paint on the motor was chipping off in many areas so I sanded it all down and repainted it in hi-temp satin black. Lastly, there was some rust on the header pipes so I took a die grinder with a round wire brush attachment to them and voila! Stripped off all but just a bit of the rust and saved me from shelling out another 200-400 dollars for another exhaust system.
After the initial $900 I paid for the bike + $400 for the cam chain tensioner repair, along with some sweat and elbow grease, my Dad has a bike that looks and runs like new. When the bike was completed, I almost didn't want to give it up!
Anyway, my Dad loves it -- rides it every day. He'd ridden street bikes for as long as I can remember but sold his last bike about 10 years ago. After retiring 5 years ago he often talked about getting another bike but kept putting it off so I made the decision for him!
Thanks for the great website, --Mike.
Added February 4, 2005
Hi Paul!
Love your site and love my Nighthawk 750 '03. I was hoping someone would open a new site for this great bike. How long you been up? I would like to contribute my pic of my beloved Nighthawk for your "Your Nighthawk" photo gallery. I love my NH and take extreme great care of it; polishing, cleaning, washing, and doing it all again for extra shine! LOL. I bought it brand new in Oceanside, CA (where I live) on the day after Christmas '03. This being my first bike (and my first big bike) after not riding for 30 years! I used to ride a lot of Honda's in the early 70's, but stop riding till I bought my Nighthawk. I could never get riding motorcycles out of my head and finally gave in for this wonderful bike. It now has 8000 miles on it and has been all over California and weekly rides in the local San Diego mountains. I still get comments on how new it looks. One guy even said how he loved the Honda CB-750 sound. This picture of my Nighthawk with its Rifle Nightflight fairing and Corbin seat (all else stock) was taken on a mountain ride at a small day park right after a rain in the fall. The color of the fall leaves really make the Nighthawk's red paint glow... Thanks for the great site!
Oceanside, CA
Nighthawk CB-750 2003
Added February 4, 2005

Hello "Night-hawkers"
First congratulations on a great site Paul.
Having a midlife crisis has its perks. I rode a bike some years ago and abandoned it seeing it was to small for a family to get around on. After some searching I found a 1991 750 Nighthawk. (44.000KM/27340ML on the clock) The price was right and the only "flaw" it had as far as I noticed was that the previous owner had painted the side covers and rear fairing black (to cover some scratches he said). So with no decals some people take a second look. I like to looks and feel of the bike very much. Your typical UJM (Universal Japanese Motorcycle) and better looking than many a "crotch rocket". Fits like a glove. After riding a Kawasaki 440LTD (yes, with belt drive) some years ago the Nighthawk is a breath of fresh air. A ride mainly around town for now. One day across Canada is a wish. But maybe on a V-Strom. Also after driving the "Going-to-the-Sun" road in Glacier Park and seeing the many, many bikers it would be nice to follow suite one day.
Anyway I encourage other readers who are looking for a bike to check out this model. A very "forgiving" bike. One thing I noticed is that the European version of the Nighthawk (CB750) has better front double disk brakes and a disk on the back wheel. (what gives? - See picture). Maybe another thing to remind Honda about to bring some more models over here.
Thanks, Paul for maintaining this site.
St.Albert, Canada
Added February 2005
Hi Paul,
I just turned 40 last October 2004, and suddenly I found myself being nostalgic of my teenage years especially when I went to a motorcycle show last fall! My last bike was a 1977 Kawasaki 125cc, which I sold in 1989 after 6 years of use. It was the only thing I could afford during that time, and I remember how jealous I was seeing my friends riding around on their Nighthawks while a struggle just to keep up. (One day I said).
I started searching for my Nighthawk the day after my birthday and found it about 3 weeks ago! It's a 1983 CB650SC Nighthawk in mint condition with 40,000km (24,855miles). The mufflers have been replaced, but everything else is original. I test drove this bike in the snow. Being February and in Canada the owner thought I was crazy, but I was more crazy about the bike!!!!! Anyway here is shot of my NH for your photo gallery. I bet you don't have many bike pics taken in snow!
Montreal, Canada
Added February 28, 2005
I'm so glad I found this site. I have been looking for a site dedicated to us Nighthawk owners. The pictures I have provided are of my 1995 Honda Nighthawk 750. I bought this bike in March 2003 with then 10,500 miles. To current it has just over 13,000 miles on it. I fell in love with when I saw it on CycleTrader.com. Upon seeing it I knew it was the bike for me. Since I have owned it I have done very little to it. New front tire and new battery. The Targa Farring was on it when I bought it and I like the way it looks. I really want to keep this bike as stock as possible. This bike as so much fun for me to ride. Being that this is my first bike I wanted the Nighthawk as I knew it was a do everything well bike. I don't foresee me ever trading this bike in or selling it. It has too much emotional value to me . Paul, please post the pic of my bike on your site for all to see.
Thank you,
Boyd M.
Stafford, Virginia
Added January 24, 2005
I too am a Paul and a fan of Nighthawks. In August of this year I returned to motorcycling after 22 years (…was 14 and a mini bike nut). I found this 1982 CB750SC Nighthawk in a barn with only 8300Km (about 5200 miles) on it. It sat for over 20 years covered, on its center stand and totally unused as the one and only owner had laid it down on its right side and lost his nerve to ride. Damage was almost non-existent thanks to the engine guard. If you look close you can see the flat spot where it must have slid a ways, and the plastic chrome bit near the tachometer will be replaced. Pipes, tires and brake pads have been replaced as well the stock handle bars which were slightly bent and too far back in my lap. The new bars I put on are almost identical, but provide a more forward riding position which I like. I’m sure you could do the same and get that “slightly reclined” feeling you’re after (using something like the ones I just removed – cost was only about $35). I will probably put on some braided brake lines as well to firm up the brake response a bit.
I live in Ottawa Canada and it is getting damn cold here now, so I will be spending the winter polishing it up and removing a few minor sign of age. I did manage to put a thousand kilometers on it before I put it away and feel like a kid again. I am having so much fun on this thing! I took the Ottawa Safety Council course and passed with perfect marks. I read feverishly about bikes and maintenance, and scour eBay for little things whenever time allows. The arrival of this bike in my life was an epiphany and I know that I will never be without a ride again. It sounds corny, but I feel so alive when I am on this thing. I haven’t read the book yet, but I know now why Mr. Pirsig was inspired to write “Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance”. It is ‘Zen like’ flying along on any of these marvelous machines.
Paul Devlin
Added January 24, 2005
Hi Paul,
My name is Torben and I live in Denmark.
I just turned 50, so now it's about time starting to ride a Bike again. Back in the seventies I rode a two stroke Kawasaki - Wiiiiild!! Originally I wanted to buy a Honda VF 750 S, but when I visited the Bike Store, I caught sight of a CBX 650E, which is the European Name for the NightHawk. (I think) And I had to admit: I was in love - I had to own one!!
But this model is very rare in Denmark, as it was never imported, and the one I saw, was too expensive, so I had to find another way.
And thanks to the internet I found a beautifull Bike near Mainz in Germany. It's a 1983 model with a mileage about 50.000 KM's. I saw ONE picture, and then I instantly bought it. Everything was handled over the internet, so I actually never spoke to the seller. Even payment of 650 Euro's was done by webbank. But now the Bike has arrived by truck here in Denmark - and I'm not disappointed. 650 Euro's was a fantastic price - a bargain!!
Well, taxes are extremely high on vehicles here in Denmark, so before I can get my licenseplate, I must pay about 2.000 Euro's, but I still think I was lucky, cause the bike I fell in love with costed about 5.000 Euro's. Winter is on its way now, and I'm going to spend time polishing and so on.
Here are some pictures of my Dream Bike .....
Greatings from
Torben Frederiksen
Added January 24, 2005
Hi Paul! Great to see someone has a page on these great bikes. I found my Nighthawk 700S for $850 with 18,000 miles from some guy whose wife said it was time to go! His loss my gain. What a great all around motorcycle! I still cant believe how well it performs for almost being 19 years old! The bike has been painted white so its different but I like it. Now I'm looking to add a 4 into 1 exhaust.
I'm located in San Francisco California. A great city to have a motorcycle! I am a 38 year old who just started riding again last year after a 20 year absence. Too busy being a dad. The bike is stock except for the Avon super venom tires. The seat was also shaved down for a corbin seat look. I also took off the Honda decals and put on my own to personalize it.
Again thanks!
David Teran
Added January 24, 2005
Great bikes the Nighthawks! After 10 wonderful years I just passed my 85 CB650SC on to my 21 year old son and moved to a 02 VFR800. Then I came across this 85 CB700SC. It had 72 miles on the clock a year ago when the previous owner traded it for a Jeep and put 2600 miles on it. The story goes that the original owner rode it once and it scared the hell out of him and it sat in storage for 18 years. Looks and runs like a new bike it is pure joy on wheels.
Steve Dorsey
Puyallup, WA
Added January 24, 2005
Hi Paul,
I finally had time to get a new picture.
I am located in Leavenworth, KS. I took about a 10 year break from motorcycling and decided last year to start riding again. I had already decided that a 750 Nighthawk would be my reentry bike. This very nice 650 with 14 K on the ticker literally showed up at my door step.
I have two children out of the house but still have a 12 year old at home. My riding time is limited. The 650 does all that I need it to do. Someday maybe I will look for a touring bike but no time to go anywhere right now.
I enjoy quick trips around town and an occasional ride through the country side. I try to hit the Heart of America Motorcycle Enthusiast (HoAME) breakfast on Sunday mornings when I can.
I have my old 1974 CB550 in the garage and hope to have it back on the street next year. My son also has a CT 70 Mini Trail.
Added October 3, 2004
My name is Jay and I live in Palm Beach County, Florida. I've been riding for many years. This is my 8th bike and 5th Honda. I started on a little Yamama 55 cc in the mid-60s, and have owned two Ducati 160s, and Honda CL175, CL350 and a couple of CM450C twins. Believe it or not, this is my biggest bike and I see no reason to go bigger. I've owned the 750 just two months. I've attached a picture.
Thanks for providing an informative, fun website dedicated to what a motorcycle should be, in my opinion.
In this age of oversized, overpriced cruisers and too powerful, too complex crotch rockets, the Nighthawk is an island of motorcycle sanity. Honda was nuts to discontinue it. Perhaps it will return.
Added September 17, 2004
Hello Paul,
My name is Sol and I am living right now in the northern town of La Ronge, Saskatchewan, Canada. We experience all four seasons here, summers reaching highs of 34 degrees Celsius to winters going as low as 40 degrees Celsius. No matter what the weather, fishing is always good.
I just started learning how to ride a motorcycle and my first purchase a 1983 Honda Nighthawk 450. I happened to come across it when I told a local mechanic that I was looking for a bike and he mentioned that he had one. When I looked at it, I immediately went on the internet and started looking up any sites and reviews on the Nighthawk and lo and behold, I found that there were many and they all seemed to say positive things about it. That's when I found your site and was impressed about the amount of information you have on these Nighthawks.
Needless to say, it took about a week to get it going because it had been sitting idle for almost 3 years. It still has its original 4000kms on it and is in great condition. It turned out that all it really needed were the carbs to get cleaned and the front brake calipers replaced. After it got going though, it stayed going and so far has been a really smooth ride.
I have attached a picture of it. Right now it is really windy and overcast and winter will soon be upon us here up north. Oh well, that means getting the snowmobile ready.
Added September 15, 2004
Hi Paul, we live in Bathurst New Brunswick Canada. We bought the bike this summer. It looked a little rough when we bought it. It had several dents and dings. Some surface rust here and there. The seat was a mess. But it ran like new and seemed really good mechanics wise. The previous owner used it as a comuter bike and kept it running well, but he didn't care much about how it looked. He had a storage rack on the back and a mud flap under the front fender. My wife was not sure about the way it looked but she wanted a bike bad and the price was right. $700.00 Canadian. Thats about $500.00 US. I knew it could be a nice bike once we cleaned it up. We spent a couple of days cleaning and polishing it. We had the seat done, then we had it painted. We didn't know what color we wanted but the guy who did the paint has a shop right next to the local Mazda dealer. When we dropped off the parts we saw the Maxda RX 8 and asked him if he could paint it that color. The velocity red mica is a two part process. There is a red base coat and a transparent red metalic top coat. It really looks amazing in person. The photos don't show the metal flake at all.
So my wife Stacey went for her motorcycle safety course, got her liscense and she just loves her new bike. I'm keeping my eyes open for a mid 80's 650 Nighthawk for me. I saw them on your site and I just love the way they look. Great web page, keep up the good work!
-Darrell Lapointe
Added September 15, 2004
I was crying in my beer over at my friend's house, about how I was forced to sell my motorcycle when I got married. The marriage didn't last and now I had no bike. (I missed the bike more.) My buddy's neighbor was over and said, "Yeah, my wife wants me to get rid of MY bike too." He said he had a 1986 Nighthawk 700s in mint condition, garage-stored and he had only put 440 miles on it durng the past 5 years!! I was instrigued and went next door to see it.
The bike was BEAUTIFUL!! No scratches or dents and only 10,000 total miles!! I snatched it up right then.
Since then I have put many extras on it so it can be MY cruiser!! A few of the options are a custom Corbin seat, maltese cross chrome mirrors, chrome grips, highway pegs, cruise control (throttle lock), leather saddlebags and a few others.
I am SO happy with the way my 700s runs that I don't miss my 1981 900 Custom that much anymore. I will NOT get rid of this bike for anyone!!
Paul Felt
Detroit, Mich.
Added September 15, 2004
I picked up my Nighthawk 550 with only 5400 miles on it two weeks ago. It was sitting for two years so it required a carb cleaning, and the bike itself was a total mess. Underneath all the dirt was a real gem though, and I am very happy with this purchase. It does need fork seals and tires (original tires are rotting) which I bought today. What I really want is a backrest for it, having no luck at all finding one. I really like the low maintenance aspect of this machine.
P. Whited
Columbus, Ohio
Added September 15, 2004
Dear Paul,
Attached is a picture of my Nighthawk 450. It is my first motorcycle and I bought it in July 2004. The last owner was a Harley guy who used the Honda to run errands. Subsequently, it was meticulously maintained never dropped. It has 14,000 miles on it.
I took an MSF class and trained on Nighthawk 250. I liked the riding position but the 250's were too underpowered for even a beginner. The 450 is light enough for a beginner to handle but powerful enough to keep up with traffic.
I read your whole website before I decided to buy a Nighthawk. Thank you for all your time and effort.
Best regards,
Added August 20, 2004
Paul, I really enjoy looking at other riders Nighthawks so I thought I would send a picture of mine. I purchased this 650 with 42,030 miles on it for $660. This bike has been used on a regular bases my all three previous owners so it has been maintaned and garage-kept. All I've done so far is change the fluids and many hours of detail cleaning and polishing and as you can see my bike looks great. The only mechanical concern is that the cam chains are getting rather noisy but I understand this is common for a Nighthawk. This bike is quick, quite and and a blast to ride.
Happy riding,
Added August 4, 2004
I checked out your site and loved it. The nighthawk is such a great bike and I appreciate that you took the time to put the site together.
I bought this bike in June of 2002 after being away from riding for nearly 20 years. I did a lot of research before buying and one of the main reasons I went with this one was that I discovered the Yahoo nighthawk group and the loyalty and enthusiasm of the members really impressed me. Another reason was that it was in such great shape and had obvously been well cared for. It's stock except for a K&N filter and the Cobra F1 exhausts which previous owner had installed. (Wish they were still stock) It has 29,000 miles on it and runs like new.
I've had a great time riding it in Arizona - especially through the twisties in the mountains East of Phoenix.
Added August 4, 2004
I've attached a picture of my CB550SC for on the Nighthawk pages. It is of course a 1983 Nighthawk CB550SC I purchased in August of 2002. Original miles at purchase was 22,000 and I've put 11,000 on it. It is Black with a National Cycle 15 inch Deflector Shield (which I don't like BTW). I'm needing to put my 2nd replacement tire on the back in 11,000 and my first replacement on the front. It was laid down by the previous owner with some minor scrapes to the mirror, clutch cable and footpeg.
Added July 23, 2004
Hi Paul,
Here is a pic of my '83 550 at Mt. St. Helens. (That's Mt. Adams in the background, by the way.)
I bought it from a neighbor for $100, it had about 10k miles on it. I've rebuilt the brake and clutch systems and put new fork seals in. Rebuilt the carbs as well. All in all I have about $1000 in it, including the bags. I live in Florida but right now I'm working in Washington and Montana. (No I didn't ride it all the way here!) This bike runs like new! Maybe one day I'll have it professionally painted. Right now it's done with spray cans, but looks ok though.
Added July 23, 2004
Thanks so much for the site. I looked and haven't found many resources or praises to these excellent all-around bikes! The story for my 1983 Nighthawk CB650 is thus:
I purchased this bike from a co-worker about 3 months ago for $1500. These things hold their value! It has 10,600 miles on it and has apparently been garage-kept throughout as there are very few signs of aging on this 20 year-old bird! At first, I thought it had fairly good power, but after growing suspicious I started checking things and found a sparkplug wasn't acting quite right. After a new set of NGKs it feels like a brand new bike! I can't believe the power now...suddenly I'm not doubting the 73hp claim! And, the low-end power is where it has mattered most. I know I'm writing as if I just got it, but after the plug change that's the way it feels. I'd even considered upgrading to a larger bike, but no more! Who could need more power than this?!!?
Thanks again for the great site!
Added July 23, 2004
Love the site! Thanks so much for putting in the time an effort to share this info.
Twenty years ago when I was just a wee little lad I loved to ride my family's dirt bikes and ATCs. That part of my life was put on hold for awhile, until recently. I have always had the urge to get my own street bike but never thought my wife would go for the idea. About two years ago, a friend of hers took her for a ride on his motorcycle one night. The next day she mentioned her little adventure and said "Maybe you should get a bike." She mentioned it in the same enthusiasm as she might say "maybe you should change your shirt." For me however, it was the pearly gates opening and a choir of angels singing.
Hence began my search for my ideal street bike. I found my Nighthawk for a great deal, and it was love at first sight. I have always felt most comfortable on a standard style bike, and the CB650SC Nighthawk fit my needs perfectly. Not too big, but with a bunch of giddy-up. It was in a bit of a beat up condition when I got it in March of '03, but with some time on eBay and Denniskirk.com I have been able to get her presentable again. Next will be a new paint job. There are a few chips in the paint that I need to take care of. With a little over 17,000 miles on her and almost twenty years old, she still rides like a champ.
Added July 23, 2004
Hi Paul, great site nice bikes etc....
My name is Ivo and I live in Holland (The Netherlands) and since one month I am the very proud owner of a Honda Nighthawk CB700S from the year 1985.
It has a Laser 4 into 1 exhaust and a very nice kind of racy sound. This is my second bike, my first was also an USA-import model Kawasaki ZL 600, wich I wrecked back in 1994 so it has been a while for me but what a blast I have every time I ride it.
I have bought it from a woman who had it for more than a year but was very afraid of its speed and power.............????.......now thats just what I was looking for.
The bike has 43000 miles on it so I guess I have the most miles of the bikes on your website, and you all must ride it more instead of polishing. I really like the kind of streetfighter look it has and also the way it handles it is fast, powerfull but can also be driven slowly without effort. In the near future I think I'll give it a new paintjob and some more streetfighter mods just to make it "younger looking" cause I will keep this one for a very long time.
Good luck too you all.............Ivo.
Added June 29, 2004
Well, here's a first! Craig and Michael from North Dakota sent me pictures of their family Nighthawks. (Even though they live 85 miles apart!!) A 1985 450 and an 83 650.
Hey Paul, Thank you for building such a magnificent website dedicated to Nighthawks. My family loves Nighthawks, my brother, Michael, has owned his 1985 Nighthawk 450 for 5 years now, and I'm the proud new owner of a 1982 Nighthawk 650. I love the design of the 'Hawks and I can tell you this, after riding both the 450 and the 650 I'm glad I'm the owner of the 650...they both ride nice but the 450 lacks the get-up-and-go of the 650. What a difference 200cc's make!
1982 Honda Nighthawk 650:
I absolutely love this bike! It has a great sounding engine, plenty of power, and good styling. I haven't owned this bike for very long but I'm already handling two problems: the charging system and the carburetors, with those minor complications set aside this is an outstanding bike.
Craig (pudamobile)
Finley, North Dakota
1985 Honda Nighthawk 450:
This bike is an great bike, it handles well, responds well and is really quite economical. It'll get up and move too. I have no complaints about this wonderful motorcycle.
Fargo, North Dakota
Thanks for building such a great site Paul
Added June 29, 2004